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stan woke up from sleeping.

he groaned and stretched.

he stayed in his bed for a moment.

he then checked his phone.


he yelled.

he got up quickly.

"shit, shit shit! i'm late for work!"

stan said getting up putting on whatever he could find.

he got in his car and drove quickly.

when he arrived at the library he saw daniel standing at the desk.

"you're late."

daniel said typing numbers into a computer.

"and you're ugly."


he said.

"oh i got you coffee it's probably cold now but here."

daniel handed him a paper coffee cup.

stan took a sip of it and put it back down.

"has anyone come by and ask for me?"

stan asked daniel.

he put papers into a folder.


daniel said.

"stan, do you have a crush on someone."

stan stopped what he was doing and looked at daniel.

"what? what makes you think that?"

"you've been on the look out for someone- oh my god are you dating richie?"

"what! richie has a boyfriend i told you!"

"okay, then what is it?"

"do you need to know everything about it me daniel?"

"uh yeah i'm your best friend."

"who says that?"

"me, are we not friends...?"


"fuck you stan that's why your lonely and have nobody."

"right says you. just answer the question."

"no, nobody came though asking for you."


stan continued his work.

"anyway imma go."

daniel said going to the back.

stan sat down and started sorting though books.

"stan! they need you in the back."

daniel called.

stan put the book he was holding on the floor and walked to the back.

daniel and him crossed paths.

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now