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they arrived at the restaurant.

they sat down at a table.

"this lwooks like a lot of money a-re you sure you don't w-want me to pay?"

"it's okay bill i got it."

"twank you."

bill said signing thank you.

"so what do you like to do for fun?"

"i lwike to play uhm vwido games. and uhm... read. i don't hwave many friends s-so it's nice."

"you know i should introduce you to my friends, there gonna like you."

"okay! swounds fun."

the waiter went up to them.

"what would you guys like to eat?"

bill looked at stan.

"can you owrder for me?"

"yeah, sure.  he will have a plain burger."

"okay, and you?"

"i'll have the same thing."

"okay, thanks."

she left.

"thank you."

bill signed thank you.

"it's no big deal."

they both sat in silence for a moment.

"so if you don't mind me asking, how'd you become deaf?"

bill didn't hear what he said he spoke to fast.

"uh... yweah...?"

"wait what?"

"i- im sorry i dwint hear what you said."

"uhm, if you don't mind me asking when did you become deaf and how?"

stan said slowly.

"well i was six and it just came o-our of nowhere. being honest mwy hearing is coming back really slowly. and i speak sorta weird bwracsue i can't hear myself that much. but it just happened and then i went to the hwospital and they told me i went dweaf so i just accepted it and went on with my life."

"oh wow, good to know."

"yeah... i don't like being deaf but whatever. i lweast im still here living."

stan laughed.

the waiter came by and put there food on the table.

"thank you."

stan said.

they started eating.

"hmm this isn't bad."

bill said.

"yeah i like it."

they kept eating.

once they finished stan put out the money and they left.

stan walked in front of the passenger seat and opened the door for bill.

"thank you, stan."

bill signed.

stan quickly went over to the driver's seat and drove off.

"so you wanna be dropped off home?"

"oh... y-yes please."


stan drove to bill's house.

"thank you for pwaying for my food. i appreciate it."

"it was nothing."

stan arrived at bill's house.

"here you are."

"thank you."

bill signed.

"you know, you say thank you a lot."

bill laughed.

stan started to blush.

that was really cute.

"i know, sorry."

"no it's fine. you are all good."

bill got out the car and waved goodbye to stan.

stan stayed to make sure bill got in safe.

when he got in he drove off.

stan got to his house.

he laid in his bed and smiled.

"wow im making progress."

ayo what's up my bro's. sorry idk why i said that enjoy this. comment on grammar mistakes if you want ;) byeee

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