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stan woke up.

he saw bill.

he quickly got out of bed and walked home.

he didn't wanna wake bill or he'll him later.

he'll probably tell him later.

he walked home.

when he opened the door he heard a loud glass shatter.

stan flinched he looked around to see his mom on the floor.

there was a broken bottle on the floor and two others surrounding her.


"where the fuck have you been stanley, you were supposed to be home today. it's late, and your uncle is asking for your custody."

"but- how does that..."

"shit stan! there taking you away! i don't want them too! i need you for the money!"

"money? what- mom...?"

"fuck you! and your inexpensive self-

"what? mom are you okay?"

"just kill yourself stan, i know you're a homosexual. i don't want you as a son anymore."

"wait what? mom! how could you say this?"


stan stood there for a moment before running up the stairs.

he took a back pack and packed it with his most important valuables.

he ran out the door not even saying a word.

he walked to a near by bus stop.

he started to cry.

"oh look! it's stan, why are you crying? did bill leave you? of course, you're ugly and nobody likes you."

"go away henry."

stan said wiping his tears.


"i said go away! first you hurt my boyfriend, now you hurt me! leave us alone!"

"i do what i want, if i could i would legit kill you right now."

the bus was approaching.

"ugh, you're such a ugly idiot."

henry said walking off.

stan tried to shrug him off.

he's such a stupid distraction.

but the words he said, the things his mom said, he felt like a failure.

he started to cry.

the bus approached.

stan ran.

he wanted to go to bill's house but didn't wanna bother him again.

he called richie.

it took his a while to answer

"richie... can- can i stay over at your house? if you say no it's okay."

"yeah... uh im sorry i'm with eddie. he gets jealous easily, sorry man."

"that's all good richie, thank you."

he hung up.

he called daniel.

he answered quickly.


"yes sir?"

"can i spend the night? if you say-

"yeah sure, i'm really bored."

"oh my god thank goodness. can you pick me up?"

"uhm? sure...? but can't you drive?"

"i can't drive right now please just pick me up."

"will do sir."

"thank you, bye."


daniel hung up.

stan sighed and waited for daniel to come pick him up.

hey if you guys cared i'm in new york rn ;) okay bye lol

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now