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another day of work, today was friday though so the weekend was coming up.

stan was driving to the library once again.

he arrived before daniel did.

when he got to the door he saw someone standing there.

he walked up to them.

it was bill.


"hey stan."

bill signed.

stan waved.

"what are you doing here so early."

stan said opening up the library doors with a key.

"i- i uhm..."

bill handed stan a brown bag.

all he did was smile.

stan smiled back.

"oh, what's in this?"

"look for your self."

stan opened it.

inside was four chocolate chip cookies.

"oh wow how'd you know these were my favorite type of cookies?"

"i didn't i just guessed."

bill laughed.

"what's so funny?"

stan laughed too.

"i actually asked daniel. he gave me his nwumber."

"oh! haha it's okay. thank you bill."

bill nodded.

"read the book i told you to rwead."

"i'll try, i'm reading other things and i'm co occupied on a lot but i'll try."

"okay, that's fine if you don't i just twhink you'll like it since i looked at your favorite's from the swhelf."

"okay, thanks bill."

stan grabbed a cookie from the bag and took a bite.

"woah these are good."

"thanks, i made them."

"you made them?!"


"there really good wow."

stan kept eating the cookie.

"the secret is use mwelted butter it gives it a fudge taste."

"oh, thanks for that."

bill and stan turned to look at the parking lot to see a car pull up and park next to stan's car.

"here comes daniel."

stan rolled his eyes.

daniel walked out this car.

"hey look! look at you two."

daniel said locking his car.

"what's up what are you guys doing?"

"bill just came here early. he made me cookies!"

"oh! can i have one?"

daniel said.


bill laughed.

"awh don't be like that stan."

"there's only four and i love cookies."

"yea im the one who told him. if it wasn't for me you would have never gotten these cookies."

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