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bill said.

"yeah you heard me, yes or no?"

"i-i'm sorry i..."

bill turned up his hearing aids.

"for some reason i can't hear...? oh... batteries swhoot."

bill said to aaron.

"i- i got to go guys hwold on."

"i'll come with you."

aaron and stan said together.

daniel looked at them weirdly.

"what the..."

"oh uh i can go alone. twhanks though."

he smiled.

"actually, wait i'll come."

daniel said.

"oh i-

"please i insist."

"no it's fine i just-

daniel took bill's hand and they walked to stan's room.

stan looked over at aaron.

he walked up to him.

"what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"what do you mean?"

"do you like bill?"

"what if i did?"

"please stay away from him."

"why should i listen to you?"

"because, i like him too?"

"oh you do? but he's single. and im asking him out on a date."

"you serious? leave him alone he likes me."

"uh no sorry i think he's into me."

"you are delusional."

"delusional? you treat him with nothing but disrespect. what kind of "boyfriend" doesn't allow them to go out with a friend? your all jealous, and bill doesn't like that."

stan's hands turn into fists.

"you are so fucking annoying."

stan said walking to his room.

"hey! where are you going?"

aaron said getting up.

he followed stan.

"why the fuck are you following me?"

"i'm not."

"yes you are go away."

aaron pushed him.

"what the fuck."

stan opened his door.

aaron and stan tried to fight to get in.

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now