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stan and bill were sitting laying on bills bed.

stan, again scrolling though his phone.

bill went up to him.



stan said putting his phone down.

"whyd you say you loved me?"

"because i do?"

"do you...?"

"yes! why wouldn't i?"

"because... you know...?"


"i don't know it's just hward to believe."

"what that i love you?"

stan smiled.

"the moment i saw you i fell in love bill. ask daniel i wouldn't stop talking about you."

bill looked down and laughed.

stan got up and leaned up against bill.

his head was on the headboard and stan was basically on him.

"what are you doing?"

"just going in for a kiss."

stan said kissing bill.

they both smiled.

"im glad i met you bill."

bill nodded.

he kissed him quickly.

"should... should i go now?"

"oh uh... if you want bwut i don't want you too."

"well, i have work tomorrow so i think i have to go. bye bill."

"bye stan."

stan walked out.

he drove home.

it was the next morning, stan was driving to work.

bill was walking to the park with georgie this time.

bill loves going to the park.

this time he brought his notebook so he could sketch while georgie played.

he sat down at a bench and georgie walked up the stairs of a play set.

bill got up to see if he could find some pretty scenery.

when someone creeped up behind him.

bill turned around.

"oh it's you, fucking bill."

bill dropped his notebook.

"h-henry not here, i'm with my little bwother!"

"i don't give to shits! i said next time i see you your dead!"

"henry enough!"

bill yelled.

henry looked down.

he picked up the notebook.

"what is this a diary?"


he looked through the pages.

bill tried to grab it back.

"did you draw your little lover boy? i swear to god im gonna kill him than you!"

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now