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bill woke up to see stan in his arms.

"oh right."

bill smiled.

"wake up stan."

bill said.

stan wouldn't wake up.

"wake up!!"

bill said.

stan groaned.

bill kissed stan's lips briefly.

stan flustered his eyes open.


"wake up stan."

"what if i don't want too."

"you hwave too."

"make me."

bill sat there shocked for a bit.

but then a smirk came across his face.

with all the strength he could use he picked up stan.

"ah! what the- put me down!"

stan yelled.

bill laughed.

he put him on the bed lightly.

stan lifted his head up.

"i didn't know you could do that?"

"wake up."

stan groaned.

"i'm tired..."

bill tried picking him up again.


"not to be rude bwut your heavy."

"no, you're just weak."

they both laughed.

"come please! i wanna get uwp. we're home alone too, my moms at work awnd georgies at his day care twhing."

"alright, alright i'm going."

stan said.

"give me a moment okay?"

bill got up.

"fine, meet me dwownstairs."


bill went downstairs.

he went on his ipad to draw some stuff.

then stan came down.

"bill, i'm here. what?"

bill put his ipad down.

"first, give me a kwiss. because i wanted to for so long and i didn't know when was a good twime."

stan blushed.


stan sighed.

he went up to bill and kissed him.

bill smiled.

"okay? now what...?"

"nothing, just twhat."

"okay? can i go back and sleep."


bill got up.

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now