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bill and stan were sitting at the couch.

bill was playing around with his new ipad.

looking at all the new features.

each time he saw something cool he'd make a small excited noise.

stan thought this was so cute.

he just watched as he set up his ipad.

bill grabbed his pencil and started drawing something.

he laid down facing stan.

"you happy?"

bill didn't answer him.

i don't think he could hear him.

stan pushed the ipad down.

"you happy?"

he asked again.

bill nodded and got up.

he put his ipad on the table and gave stan a hug.

stan pulled away.

bill contained to draw on his ipad.

"this is swo cool. it's so easy to dwraw on here!"

bill said excited.

he started to kick his feet again, he did that when he was happy.

stan grabbed his feet to make him stop.

bill noticed and stopped.

he got up and put his ipad down.


"yes bill?"

"you wanna go uwpstairs and sleep? i'm tired."


stan got up and walked upstairs.

bill followed grabbing his ipad.

they walked into bill's room.

both of them sat down.

bill took his shirt off right in front of stan forgetting he was there.

stan just watched.

bill then started taking his pants off.

stan pushed him onto the bed.


stan said laughing.

"did you forget im here?"

"no, im just changing is twhat a problem?"

"no! no it's- it's okay."

stan got off him as bill continued to change.

they got in bed.

stan didn't turn off the light, he knew that bill didn't like the dark.

he flipped himself around to not look at bill.

"goodnight bill."

"goodnight swtan."

they fell asleep.

okay i'm ending this chapter short bc i have a lot of things to work on and i have a nice ending for this story. but anyway thanks for reading have a good day!

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