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stan was back at it again at the front.

this time he was nervous.

he was waiting for bill to come in.

hopefully he came today.

"hey stan, what's up?"

daniel said.

"oh uhm, hi."

"is that richie coming back? i hope he is he's lowkey cute."

"he's got a boyfriend daniel."

"ugh whatever he's still cute. it looks like your waiting for someone. who is it?"

"your mom."

"stan! your talking to someone and you aren't telling me!"

"okay! mind your own business dang."

stan waited and waited but nobody came.

he signed.

"guess i'll get to work."

closing time came around and stan left the library.

he decided to text bill.

but he didn't wanna seem clingy or anything they just met and there just friends.

instead bill texted him.

bill: hey, it's bill in sorry i didn't come i was nervous and i didn't want you seeing me i don't know why. im so sorry and hopefully i can come tomorrow.

stan: it's all okay bill, actually i don't work tomorrow but maybe next day?

bill: or maybe we can hang out? i really enana get to know you i need more friends 😥

bill: *wanna sorry

stan: oh if you want.

bill: yeah! i do.

stan: you know what i'll pick you up. where do you live?

bill: *address*

stan: okay i'll pick you up tomorrow at 3:00?

bill: sounds good. :)

stan: bye! goodnight!

bill: good night stan.

stan put his phone down and screamed.

"oh my god why am i so excited. oh my god."

stan quickly went to bed so that tomorrow could come sooner.

stan woke up, it was 11:49 he got ready and realized he was picking him up at 3:00

he went to go text bill.

stan: hey bill i have a question.

bill: ask..?

stan: is it okay if i pick you up earlier or are you busy?

bill: i'm not busy, you can if you would like.

stan: okay!

bill: you better not be one of those pedo's and have sex with me.

stan: oh what? no i'm not like that

bill: hopefully.

stan: yea no i'm not.

bill: okay i see see you soon?

stan: yea i'll tech you when i'm at your house

stan *text

stan started driving.

he reached bill's house.

"woah it's nice here."

stan saw bill walking out the door.

he was wearing a red flannel and jeans.

stan couldn't help but melt when he saw him.

was he... no he can't like him! he's just a friend.

only a friend.

bill walked up to the car and waved at stan.

he opened the door.

bill sat down.


bill said.

"woah, your voice sounds normal."

"uh... iz it not supposed two...?"

"no- i oh my god im sorry that was rude."

"itz fwine i don't c-cware."

"so where do you wanna go?"

"i thwink we s-should go to a r-restarent."

"okay! i'll take you to one if you want."

bill nodded.

they drove off.

okay so bill can speak but his voice sounds weird like not proper so i don't know how to write that down so some things in bills words are misspelled and spelled weird because he doesn't know how to speak well. other than that this book is going well i guess. comment on grammar mistakes bye!

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