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stan was driving home.

he didn't wanna just leave bill but he had to.

his mom was calling.

when he arrived home he got out and went into the kitchen.

stan's mom was there cooking up pasta.

"hey mom, how are you?"

stan asked.

she looked behind her and saw stan standing there.

"hi stan, where were you?"

"friends house, he got hurt and i was taking him back to his house."

"oh no, is he okay?"

"he's all good."

stan said as he sat down.

"im gonna go get you a bowl hold on."

she said as she grabbed a bowl and put pasta in it.

she gave it to stan.

"thank you."

stan signed.

stan's mom looked at him confused.

"why'd you just sign at me?"

"i- oops im sorry it's just my friend is deaf and i- i'm kinda used to just doing that."

she laughed.

"okay, well im gonna head upstairs. could you clean your plate when you're done?"


"thank you."

she walked upstairs.

stan pulled out his phone.

he called daniel.

daniel didn't pick up.

he then decided to text him.

stan: daniel pick up it's super SUPER important

he said.

then he remembered he needed to text bill as well.

he went on his contact and texted him.

stan: hey sorry for leaving my mom called me for dinner. i hope you get better and have a good evening.

bill responded quickly.

bill: thank you stan, i really appreciate you helping me like i said. i would have just died if it weren't for you.

stan: well thank god i saved you.

bill: and thanks for kissing me, i really liked it.

stan's face went blank.

it formed a smile.

stan: yeah i enjoyed it too.

bill: thanks again again. ❤️

stan freaked out.

he went to daniels contact.


stan rang him.

daniel picked up.

"jesus what stan?"

"i have SO much to tell you."


"okay, so bill called me this morning and he was like crying hard. he couldn't hear me and i just freaked out and tried to follow his location from maps. when i arrived he was on the floor curled up. those stupid fucking idiot bitches henry and his ugly friends beat him up. i'm so mad i hate them, how could you be so cruel!"

"what the fuck, are they mental?"

daniel said.

"i know right i wanna go up to them and punch them in the gut so they know how it feels."

"is bill okay?"

"bill's fine, i took him to his house. his mom saw what happened. he asked his mom to leave so he could talk to me alone. and then... you are not gonna believe this daniel."

stan screamed.

"you are acting like a little girl right now."

"just shut up!"

stan said.

he took a deep breath in.

"me and bill kissed."

"you what?!"

"we kissed."

"wait- hold on hold on, you two.... what?"

"we kissed dumbass how else can i make it clear?"

"stan! i'm so proud of you oh my god."

"i know!"

stan squeaked.

"how'd it start."

"okay, i was comforting him and then i just had a sudden urge to do it. i didn't wanna scare him or anything so i pulled out my phone and messaged him. "can i kiss you." of course he said yes. so i just put my hands on his face gently and kissed him."


daniel said.

"i know...!!"

he freaked out again.

"we did it twice, he did it the second time he put his arms around my neck and kissed me like that. daniel he's so cute i wanna marry him."

"alright alright."

"im serious, he's so cute."

"how long have you known him for?"

"a week? that's besides the point if i like him i like him so what."

daniel sighed.

"hopeless romantic huh?"

"i feel like gonna explode, do you ever feel that?"

"uh... sometimes?"

"yea every time i set foot near him i explode. it's unhealthy i know but daniel i really like him."

"maybe you should go text him then, because im busy."

"alright sorry, im gonna go tell richie."

"okay, bye."

stan hung up.

stan: hey richie can you hang today?

richie: im with eddie but i'll ask

richie: why?

stan: there's a lot i need to tell you both

richie: oop okay

richie: come over, im at my house.

stan: coming.

stan got in his car and drove to richie's house.

ik the last chapter was sad but oh well (; comment on grammar mistakes please and thanks ily you all bye!

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