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daniel pulled up at stan's house.

stan got in the passenger seat quickly.

"woah, what's the rush you okay?"

stan started to tear up.


"hey, what's wrong stan?"

"i-i... i feel like giving up. i'm so tired."

"what the fuck! no stan don't you ever think that way, you have me your best friend, richie your uh... second best friend, eddie, and even bill. don't you love bill? you love him a lot, more than me and that says something."

daniel giggled.

stan didn't.

"hey but stan, i love you. not in that way i just love you."

stan started crying again.

"don't cry, come on don't do this."

stan breathed in.

"let's... let's just go."


daniel drove off to his house.

they arrived.

stan got off.

daniel followed him.

stan put his back pack on the floor and plopped himself onto the couch.

"you can go to sleep if you want."

"okay, i'll sleep here. good night daniel, thank you."

"it's no problem, i'll be upstairs and my mom and dad aren't here, they are on a vacation trip for a few weeks."


stan said.

daniel walked up to his room.

stan sighed and started to cry.

"i'm such a failure."

he said to himself as he attempted to sleep.

bill was sitting on his ipad for a moment before he realized.

he hasn't met with his friend in a while.

he texted him.

bill: hey mike, wanna come over today? i'm pretty bored.

mike: sure! cant wait to see you.

bill smiled and continued drawing.

mike arrived shortly after.

"hi mwike!"

"hey bill."

"you need to tell me legit everything about you! it's been so long!"

bill explained to him about his new friends, stan, and more.

"wow! bill im so proud of you. you seem so happy i like that."

"i awm, so so happy."

"i'm so glad, you and this boy seem so happy for each other."

"thank you, his names stan."

"stan uris?"


"oh, uh i used to have a crush on him haha..."

"wait really?"

"yeah, but it's okay! it was only a middle school crush nothing big."

"i'm so sorry mwike."

"no! like i told you he was just a middle school crush! it's fine haha."

mike said.

"okay that's good. anyways i'm gwonna go to the bathroom be right back."

bill walked to the bathroom.

mike sat down on bills bed.

"i can't believe he likes stan! ugh he's my crush and to think i was his friend. i cant believe this i don't know what to do! i still love stan!"

mike sighed.

he looked to the side to see bills phone on and unlocked.

mike picked it up and started looking through his phone.

he went to messages and saw stan contact.

he clicked on the message box

bill: hey stan so i wanted to tell you i lost interest in you i don't like you and i lost feels im sorry but thanks tho

mike waited for a moment, then he shakily sent it.

he gasped.


he quickly deleted the message.

but it wasn't unsent to stan, just bill couldn't see it.

he panicked.

he felt the phone vibrate.

stan: what? bill?

mike picked up the phone.

bill: im sorry ur just not right for me

stan: but bill we were doing so good?

bill: i realized we need a break, a long one. i'm not homosexual. sorry

stan: i see, text me when your ready.

bill: ya bye

mike quickly deleted all the texts.

he panicked and dropped bill's phone on the bed.

mike waited for bill to come out the bathroom.

moments later bill flushed the toilet and walked out.

"uh... bill! i have to- i have to go bye."

mike said running out the room scared.

bill looked at him confused.

"okay...? bye!"

surprisingly bill heard that even though mike was all over the place.

bill laid on his bed and checked his phone.

stan put his phone down.

"so you wanna watch a video? maybe-

stan started to cry.


"i- im going home."


stan grabbed his bag.


daniel called out as he ran home.

comment on grammar mistakes,

⚠️ warning ⚠️  next chapter may be sad 😔

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