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"so tell me more about yourself bill."

"uh... in dweaf, i like to draw-

"what? i love to draw!"


"yeah! and skate do you skate?"

"uh... no. but it sweems fun!"

bill said.

"oh uh this is my mwom."

"hi im aaron nice to meet you!"

"oh hi, how'd you two meet?"

she signed

"we accidentally bumped into each other."

aaron laughed nervously.

"oh and stan, have you checked on him?"

she signed.

"yeah! he's right-

bill turned around and saw stan was gone.

"what? he was just with us uh i dwont know where he went."

"maybe he went for food?"

she signed.

"right, i'll be bwack."

bill said walking to the cafeteria where the food was served.

he saw stan looking at a bag of chips.


"oh hi lover man how are you?"

"w-wait what?"

"who's that guy?"

"uh... i met him today, we bwumped into each other and-


stan walked away from him.


bill said grabbing his arm.


bill let go of his hand.


"i... uh."

bill coughed.

"never mind."

bill sighed and walked away.

"nice! that's cool."

bills mom said to aaron.

"yeah i stopped though."

"oh that's sad."

"hey gwuys."

bill said walking up to them.

stan watched as bill was smiling at aaron and his mom.

he looked away and walked to his room with chips in his hands.

stan was sitting in his bed eating chips.

he saw his phone was on his night stand.

"wait i brought my phone?"

stan said grabbing it.

he had 30 messages and 2 calls.


richie: yo you good?

richie: bill told me your at the hospital?

stan: i'm good, just hurt. i'll be out soon though.

he went out and saw the other messages.


no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now