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stan thought for a while.

"hey bill, wanna go upstairs? i wanna show you something."


aaron opened the door.

there were men inside.

shirtless on the bed.

"we call ourselves the hot men. now come in bed we're all gonna have sex."


"shhhh, you can't tell anyone."


stan yelled as his thoughts went away.

"what if he gets raped? what if he gets too drunk. what if aaron-

stan stopped talking and quickly got in bill's mom's car.

he started it up.

he checked his phone and saw the address of the girl on snapchat.

he drove off.

he arrived at the house.

"jesus this is huge."

he said getting out.

he saw aaron's car.

"okay, i'm going in."

stan went in to look for bill.

"shit, he can't hear what if he gets lost? what if someone tells him something and he can't hear. or worse what if his hearing aids die! this is a bad idea i need to find him."

he looked over and saw aaron next to bill.

they were talking with both of them holding cans of beer.

stan walked up to them furiously but before he could daniel walked up and grabbed his hand.

"hey! what are you doing here."

"not now  daniel! i have too-

"awh come on stan, dance with me!"

"no! i need too."

daniel started dancing with him.

stan's eyes were glued on aaron and bill.

then, he saw aaron sign at him.

he gasped.

"get off me! please i need to go."

"stannnn! come on live a little."


stan said trying to push him off.

aaron and bill were signing at each other.

"what the fuck!"

stan said angrily.

aaron started leaning in towards bill.

"come on, let's get you a drink."

daniel said pushing stan towards the drinks.

aaron pushed himself onto bill and kissed him.


stan yelled.

"please daniel as much as i love you get off me please!"

stan cried.

"oh, jesus alright."

daniel let go.

"you could have-

stan ran.

people started crowing around.

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now