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"you still hungry? i can get you something."

aaron asked daniel.

"i-i'm okay."

"don't be so nervous it's not that big of a deal."

daniel laughed nervously.

"oh! let's go to bill's house. or stan's someone's house."

"oh i think stan is over at bill's because he is homeless right now."

"pft, okay then let's go to bill's."

"okay let me ask."

daniel: hey can me and aaron come over? he totally changed and i think im developing feelings omg.

stan: what? really...?

daniel: he isn't a complete jerk! he just wanted a man and here i am.

stan: awh glad your happy. and sure i guess just idk about aaron.

daniel: it's gonna be okay. hopefully.

stan: okay then yea.

"they said yes. let's go."

they arrived to bill's house.

aaron got off.

daniel did too.

aaron stopped daniel.

"hey, sorry about what happened. what a disgusting perv. and if anyone should touch your ass it's me."

daniel blushed hard.

aaron walked in the house.

daniel followed him.

"what the fuck did he say...?"

daniel thought to himself.

"hey bill! hey stan."

aaron said.

"oh, hi."


bill said.

"we just came back from a date!"

aaron yelled.

"o-oh... nice."

bill said making a thumbs up.

stan laughed.

he was so cute.

"anyway, i wanna throw a party. let's go to my place."

"oh- right now?"

daniel asked.

"yup, im feeling party like. wait! i have to check if there's any parties going on."

aaron said pulling out his phone.

"yes this is! amelia is hosting one, and she lives like 2 minutes away."

"o-oh yeah she went to elementary swchool with me."

"nice, let's go!"

aaron said.

"wait! i- i don't think i can, i jwust came back from the hospital and like-

"bill, you need to live a little. does your leg hurt?"

"no... but-

"see! you've never been to a party it'll be fun!"

"i- i guess it would."

"bill, you know you don't have to do this."

stan said.

"you know what, i twhink i will. i wanna live my lwife to the fullest."

bill said.

"even if i can't hwear the music."

"oh right..."

aaron laughed.

"but, i'm still going! it'll be lwoud enough to hear some muffling but i can go. and i cwan drink beer, hang out with the popular kids. im this will be fun!"

bill said excited.

"well i'm not going."

stan said thinking bill would agree and stay with him.

"that's fine, i am. plus ywou probably should go because of your pain. we jwust came back from the hospital."

bill said.

"wait you're actually going?"

stan said.

"of course! come on let's gwo."

he said running outside.


stan said.

"bye stan! thanks."

aaron said.

daniel followed them.

stan sighed.


another update for you guys. i know this gets annoying but comment on grammar mistakes please and thank you! i love you all so very much thanks for reading and have a good day!

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now