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they arrived at aaron's house.

bill got off.

"okay aaron, you go fwirst. are your parents home?"

bill asked.

aaron shook his head.

"good, let's go. stan you cwan get daniel."

"oh, uh okay."

stan said getting out the car helping daniel out like bill was.

aaron had his arms around bill.

"i can't walk like this!"

aaron said complaining.

"my house is big and i have a lot of steps, can you carry me?"

"you know i can-

aaron jumped on him.

bill grabbed his legs.

"jesus aaron."

bill said.

stan watched as this happened.

"maybe i should pick you up too, since.. a lot of steps."

stan laughed and quickly grabbed daniel.


daniel said as stan held him.

"hey you're a good carrier? i don't know if that's how you said it."

stan laughed.

he catched up so bill could see he was doing the same.

they walked in the house.

"where's your room?"

bill asked aaron.

"it's in the basement."

bill gasped for air.

"okay, let's go."

they walked down the basement.

stan followed.

bill put aaron on his bed.

"where is daniel gonna-

"he's sleeping with me!"

aaron yelled.

stan looked at bill and they both blushed and laughed.


daniel said.

stan put daniel next to aaron.

"are you guys good to go?"

"yup! tha-

aaron made a gagging noise.

bill looked at him confused.

"oh shit."

bill then looked at stan.


bill the realized.


he ran to the bathroom and grabbed a trash can.

he brought it to aaron.

aaron vomited.

bill wasn't even disgusted since he doesn't really get disgusted.

aaron laid back down.


aaron said.

"it's okay, it's fwine."

bill said.

bill pushed aaron's head back and felt his forehead.

"you're kinda hot."

"i know."

aaron winked.

stan grabbed bills arm.

"okay, let's go we need to go. good night guys sleep well."

stan said.

"and call us if ywou need medicine."

they didn't answer they just laid there.

stan ran up the stairs.

"wow, we are like parents. that was really tiring."

stan said gasping.

"right bill?"

stan said.


bill didn't answer him.


stan said tapping him.

"huh? sorry i... i don't fweel good."

"was it the vomit?"

"no, vomit doesn't make me gwrossed out. i just- never mind let's go home okay?"

bill said as he walked out the door.


they got in the car.


stan asked again.

bill put his seat belt on.

stan put his hand on bill's thigh.


bill looked at him.

"are you okay?"

"i'm fine..."

"you're not fine, what's going on?"

"m-my head just hwurts, a lot of walking."

"oh... let's go home then."


stan drove back home.

they arrived and then stan got out the car.

bill stayed in the passenger seat with his hand on his head.

stan opened his door.

he pulled out his hand.


bill grabbed it.

they walked in.

"i don't know why i fweel so sick."

"it's okay, when we get home we're gonna take medicine okay?"

bill nodded.

they entered the house.

they went upstairs.

lay down okay.

stan went to go find some medicine.

when he found something he handed it to bill.

he took it.

"thank you stan."

stan only smiled.

bill got in his bed and tried to sleep.

"i- do you want me to go to sleep somewhere else because-

bill grabbed stans arm.

he kissed him.

"you can sleep with mwe."

stan blushed.

"oh okay."

he got in bed with bill.

"good night bill."

"night stan."

they fell asleep.

sorry i haven't uploaded in a while. i had other stories to worry about. this story is gonna end soon so hope you enjoyed. comment on grammar mistakes please and thanks i love you all and have a good day! thanks so much for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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