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stan arrived at his house.

he got in his room and called daniel.

daniel picked up.

"what's up?"

"im back."

"okay bitch tell me everything."

stan laughed.

"well at first i arrived at his house, obviously. then when i got into his room i was like really nervous i have no idea why. also he has a brother and he's so cute. he sorta connected with me so that's good. anyway, bill told me something personal which i will not be discussing and he started to cry. i gave him a hug and he hugged me back and daniel. let me tell you i felt like my world stopped working. like it shut down and all i could feel was the warmth of bill's both and the sounds of his soft cries. he stained my shirt but we didn't care, i didn't care at least. god daniel i don't know what to do i'm in love- wait i shouldn't say that. i- i have a huge crush on him."

"w-wow stan... thats- that's a lot wow. i'm glad you really feel that way. you two would seem like such a cute couple. the way you speak about him stan that isn't just a simple crush."

"i- i know... i'm scared to confess so soon but i'll do it some day. i don't wanna scare him off or get him mad."

"i don't think he'll get mad."

"yeah i don't know he could."

"well stan im happy for you, i really am. i hope you to end up together or something."

"thank you! i'm gonna go text richie about this!"

"you do that."

"bye daniel, see you on monday."

"see you buddy."

they hung up.

stan went to go call richie.

richie didn't answer.

"of course he's probably having sex with his man."

stan said rolling his eyes.

he got in bed and turned off his lights.

then he fell asleep.

super short chapter but oh well. ;) comment on them grammar mistakes please ily u all bye

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now