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mom: hey sweetie i'm outside, stan is coming with us right?

bill: yeah he doesn't have a house right now.

mom: oh... okay well he's welcome to stay over. we can go to his house tomorrow to pick up his stuff okay?

bill: yeah, im coming.

mom: okay.

"hey, my mwoms here."

"oh okay, let's go."

they walked out.

bill had to use his crutches so he could bring them home.

"those look fun."

bill shook his head.

"deaf and now i'm crippled.

stan stopped walking.

"well, you're my crippled man."

bill looked at him confused.

"i- i'm sorry i was trying to make it sound cute-

bill laughed.

"let's go."

they arrived to the car.

they got in.

bill's mom turned around.

"hey guys how are you?"

she signed and said out loud.


bill signed.

"i'm okay, just tired."

"yeah, hospitals bore huh?"

she signed and said.

stan nodded.

"well we're taking you to our house to spend as long as you need too. we will get your clothes and stuff from home tomorrow."

she signed.

"okay! thank you so much."

"no problem."

she signed before turning to the wheel and driving off.

they arrived home.

stan got off first.

bill got off using his crutches.

"how is it?"

she signed to bill.

bill made a so so motion with his hands.

they got in the house.

they were greeted with georgie.

georgie quickly ran up to bill.

he gave him a hug.

"i missed you bill!"

georgie said.

bill laughed.

"i missed you too georgie."

bill picked him up.

he gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"i thought you left us."

bill shook his head.

"i'm rwight here."

they hugged again.

"and what's he doing here?"

georgie said as bill put him down.

"georgie, stan is stwaying here until he fwinds a home."

"oh! yay!"

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now