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stan was driving to the grocery store.

his mom asked him to get some things for the house.

as he walked in he went straight to the vegetables.

he looked to the left and saw cabbages.

he took some and put them in a bag.

he then put it in his cart and drove off.

"you fucking idiot! no way i'm gonna do that!"

someone yelled.

stan looked up, saw the same group of people that came into the library that one day.

could that be...


stan felt the rage fill him up again.

without thinking he walked up to them.


stan yelled.

they stopped laughing and looked at him.

"uh hello?"

"hi, i'm stan. and you hurt my friend so i would like you to either apologize or i do something to you."

"wait- wait what was the last thing?"

henry said laughing.

"i'll hurt you is what i mean."

they all stopped and looked at each other.

they laughed in sync.

"wait! you mean- you really think you? with your scrawny little body can take me down?"

henry started laughing.

"you know those hearing aids you threw away cost more than you make at home? so i would advice you go tell your parents or whoever is at home to pay up and pay bill's parents. you can't be throwing shit around like that. and no matter how tough you are, it's not nice to just bully someone for no reason."

stan said.

"alright, whatever let's go-

stan punched him harshly in the stomach.

henry grunted and fell to the ground.

"im not gonna fight in a grocery store right now, but if i have to i'll take his outside. now-

henry tried to swing at him.

stan grabbed his arm before he could do so.

"now, you either pay up. or suffer the consequences."

stan said throwing henry's arm down.

"i- come on guys do something!"

henry said yelling at his friends.

no beat, no melody - stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now