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it was a sunday morning.

bill was taking a walk through a park.

he was looking at the autumn trees since it was fall.

he put his hands inside his hoodie pockets and walked more.

bill looked down staring at his legs.

when bill looked up he saw someone coming close.

bill squinted his eyes.

it was stan.

bill gasped.

he panicked.


stan said walking a little faster towards him.

bill quickly turned around and kept walking.

"bill, are you okay?"

"yeah? why wouldn't i be?"

"it's just... wait you can hear me?"

"yeah, your pwretty close."

"oh right. uhm anyway, i'd like to apologize-

stan watched as bill turned his hearing aids off.

"did you just? turn down the volume?"

stan said.

bill sighed loudly.

he turned around.

"im gwonna go."

bill said.

"bill? did you just turn your hearing aids off."

stan signed.

bills eyes widened.

he turned his hearing aids back on.

"did... did you just swign at me?"

"oh uh... that's just- i learned that from- yes i did."

"are you learning again?"

bill asked.

"no! i... ugh yes i am...?"

"for me?"

bill asked.

"yes for you, who else the other deaf guy im secretly in love with?"

"wait... what?"

"you know what- yes i'm learning sign language, and yes i stayed up until 4 am to sign you an apology, and yes i was headed to your house right now."

"i- im sorry. i get mad over the swtupidest things. i wasn't actually mad i just wanted to be? i gwuess i dont know."

"it's fine, uhm..."

stan coughed.

"bill, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to laugh at what you said. please speak to me again because i'm lonely. thank you."

stan signed.


bill thought.


he said as he turned around and kept walking.


bill laughed and turned around.

"im joking stan."

"don't be like that!"

"im gonna go now, bwye stan."

"wait! how'd yesterday go?"

"oh henry didn't come owver yet."

"oh okay, well uh bye then."


they both waved by and walked separate ways.

short chapter but OH well. comment on dem grammar mistakes and i'll love u forever. tysm for reading hagd ! bye

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