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bill and bill's mom were waiting at the table.

when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

bill's mom went to open it.

"hi! so good to see you both here, and...

bill's mom coughed.


"no! please, don't think of him like this. he will behave from now on and he will never ever lay a hand on anyone. that was so rude of him to do and he's grounded for three whole months. we've deposited the money to your account so that bill can get his new set of hearing aids. henry will not be hanging out with his old friends, and he will apologize to bill right now."

bill didn't hear a word she said since she was so far away.

but he didn't wanna get near henry so he sat there in silence.

"im so glad, anyway sit down you three!"

they all came in.

when henry set foot into the house he quickly glanced at bill.

bill got chills and looked away.

they all sat down.

henry was across the table.

he didn't say much because he looked furious.

"before we start, is there anything you'd like to say to bill henry?"

henry's mom looked over at henry.

henry didn't say anything.


"i'm sorry."


she added.

"i'm sorry for hurting you and throwing your aid things away. i didn't mean to and whatever."

"henry! be more professional and stop! it sounds like you don't mean it!"

"because maybe i don't?"


she yelled.

the yell was so loud it even scared bill.

she sighed.

"i'm so so sorry, once we get home we're gonna show this boy something fierce."

"you know what, kids at this age do dumb things. it's okay."

bill's mom said.

"i know but our henry is way better then this. right honey?"

she said looking at henry's dad.

he just grunted.

"anyway, would you all like to eat?"

"yes... sorry."

once they were done eating the food bill's mom made they sat there and chatted.

this was very awkward for bill because conversation's at the table were so hard to listen into.

sometimes he would get anxiety hearing them all speak at once.

like at school when he's eating alone and the cafeteria is loud.

bill turned down his hearing aids and laid his head back.


boring, yes but sometimes it's for the better.

hearing nothing, not a care about what others say.

bill felt a tap on his arm.

he got up quickly and turned on his hearing aids.

"uh, henry and his parents are leaving now."


bill got up.

"thank you so much for the meal, henry say thanks."


he said.

they walked out the door.

henry looked at bill.

bill looked away again.

"bye guys!"

she said as she waved.

they left, bill's mom closed the door.

"that went well huh?"

she signed.

bill nodded.

"i'm going to bwed."

"okay, i'll be down here."

she signed as she walked to the kitchen.

bill ran upstairs.

he laid in his bed and pulled out his phone.

bill: hey, henry just left. it went fine but every time henry laid his eyes on me i felt cold. i was so scared he'd just jump on me any second. but it all went well his parents are nice and trying to tell him to be better. anyway how are you?

stan: i'm glad everything went well. i'm doing okay, just tired. also it's okay bill henry won't hurt you like i said.

bill: i know that. but i still get scared.

stan: don't, beacayss if you let fear get to you it's not gonna help.

stan: *because sorry.

bill: you are right.

stan: anyway, it's late so i'm gonna go to sleep, you should too. if you want goodnight bill.

bill: good night stan.

bill put his phone away and his hearing aids away too.

he fell asleep.


you know the drill, comment on grammar mistakes please and thanks! thanks for reading too i love u all so very much! bye

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