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stan was running home crying.

he catched his breath multiple times.

he arrived home.

he walked in quickly.

his mom passed out on the couch.

he ran up the stairs throwing his bag on the floor.

he broke down.

falling down the door.

he didn't even realize he was ringing random numbers.

first his old friend who didn't pick up, then bill who picked up.

bill made a noise.

he didn't respond to him for a while.

he couldn't hear what he was saying.

he was just crying.

"s-stan! i cant hwear you! text me please."

stan didn't even know he was on the floor.

bill put the phone to his ear.

he could just hear muffles.


bill hung up.

he texted him.

bill: stan are you okay? please answer me

stan felt his phone vibrate.

he stopped crying wiped his eyes and looked at his phone.

a tear fell onto his screen.

he read the message.

stan: im fine but why do you care?

bill: i always care why would i not?

stan: aren't you "on a break" with me.

bill: what? when did i ever say that?

stan: stop acting dumb bill! i'm tired of this. i'm tired of everything. my mom hates me, i'm a failure and i have no purpose in life

bill: stan! don't ever say that!

stan: you know it's true you even don't love me anymore so what's the point in living

bill: stan stop! i never said that. stop seriously this isn't funny

stan: i loved you bill. i really did

bill: and i still do!

stan: thank you for everything.

bill: stan stop.

bill: it's not funny

bill: you know how i love you why would you do this?

bill: stan?


bill yelled.

he put his phone in his pocket.

he ran out the door.

he took a breathe in.

and out.

he turned off his hearing aids.

it's what he did to make him calm.

he took deep breathes in.

he got on his bike.

stan put his phone down.

he started crying till he couldn't breathe.

he grabbed a pocket knife he had in his drawer.

he broke down again.

"i don't wanna do this. i really really don't."

stan said.

but something is making him.

stan hiccuped.

"im so so sorry."

stan said as he took his last breathe on earth and stabbed himself once in the chest.

he pulled it out with the little strength he had and pushed it in again in his stomach.

he fell to the ground.

the knife fell with him.

he laid there looking at the ceiling.

"i love-

he blacked out.

and stan was gone.

bill was biking to stan's house.

it was late at night, not a care in the world just trying to get to stan's house.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

this word repeating in bills head.

he peddled faster.

bill wobbled himself onto the middle of the road.

he pushed harder trying to peddle even faster.

bill didn't hear but a big truck was driving behind him.

it speeded quickly without bill hearing it.

it ran him over.

bill's bike flying to the side of the road.

the truck stopped for a moment before continuing to drive.

bill laid there as he coughed up blood.

SHIT SHIT SHIT shIt im so so sorry guys omg things will get better i promise you. comment on grammar mistakes. ily you all so much bye!

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