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genral pov

summer 2017: 8th grade (going into 9th grade)

it was a regular day for ricky and nini, they were talking about life and how high school we be so different. both of their friend groups were going to east high, or at least nini thought. ricky had two secrets eating up inside him.

1. he had a massive crush on nini ever since 6th grade.

2. his parents were getting divorced and he had to move to chicago with his mom.

he needed to tell her a.s.a.p. because he was moving in a week. 

nini also had a major crush on ricky. she only told kourtney because she needed to tell somebody. kourtney promised not to tell a soul. nini has been wanting to make it official because they're basically soulmates and why shouldn't they? they've known each other for all their lives and are now closer than ever. literally, they were cuddling on a blanket looking at the sunset. ricky notices she was spacing out. 

"bubs, are you okay?". she snaps back into reality. "yeah, i'm okay" she states. "hey, i have something to tell you", ricky says. "okay, tell me". "ikindahavetomovetochicagowithmymombecausemyparentsaregettingadivorce". "what" nini says, shocked and a little confused. ricky starts repeating what he said but gets cut off by nini saying, "no, i know what you said. but, why didn't you tell me any sooner?!". she's angry and hurt. "i didn't know how to tell you!" ricky exclaims. "okay, but when are you leaving?" she asks. "in a week", ricky says, almost in a whisper. nini stands up abruptly. "IN A WEEK!?! YOU'RE TELLING ME I'M LOSING MY BEST FRIEND IN A WEEK??", nini shouts. ricky stands up as well "well how was i gonna tell you?! 'hey, i'm moving to chicago. i'm so sorry'". 

"YES THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD'VE SAID AND YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME AT LEAST A MONTH BEFOREHAND. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS RICKY. AFTER TELLING EACH OTHER OUR SECRETS AND KNOWING EACH OTHER FOR A DECADE, YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL ME THE ONE THING THAT WILL IMPACT OUR LIVES?!", nini screams. she was so hurt. her soulmate, her bestfriend, the highlight of her day, leaving. "we can call each other everyday and i can come to salt lake every summer, if that's what you want." ricky states, calmly. "no, i don't want that. because i don't want to be reminded that the only person i care about couldn't even tell me the biggest thing that was happening in his life.", the brunette girl states, with tears in her eyes. 

"okay, if that's what you want" he says. "i should probably go, it's late and i need to pack.". "yeah, you should do that." nini says, trying not to cry in front of him. "goodbye nina." "goodbye richard."

'nina' and 'richard'. they used to bust out laughing because they couldn't even see themselves as those names. however, this was not a laughing matter.

they part ways, not even leaving a hug. they both cried themselves to sleep that night.

present day: august 2021, one week before university starts.

"RICKY" ej shouts over the phone. the boy spaced out thinking of that moment. "sorry, lost in thought" ricky states. "you thinking about how amazing university is going to be like?" ej asks. "yeah, definitely" the curly-headed boy says. "damn, you sound so gloomy, lighten up. a week until the rest of our lives" ej states. yeah, i get to spend the rest of my life regretting i left salt lake city, ricky thinks.

"yeah, i'll call you later" ricky states and hangs up the phone. ej is one of ricky's two friends. ricky doesn't have that many friends since all of them kind of sucked in high school. but, that was all going to change. one more week, just one more week.


AHHHHHHH THAT'S THE PROLOGUE!! i hope you enjoyed that. stay tuned for the chapters!

~m <3

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