7. not again

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nini's pov

this has been the longest week ever. but, it's finally time for my dinner date with ricky. i start to panic because i don't know where we're going.

i quickly text kourt an 'SOS' and i immediately hear a knock on the door. "neens, is that kourtney?" gina asks. "yeah, i just need a little help" i tell her. "you know, you can dress yourself and it's just ricky. you're going as friends" she tells me. "yeah, yeah, whatever" i say as i open the door. "hey nini! i got your text an came over here as fast as i could, which was easy since i live down the hall" kourtney says to me.

"i really need your help with something", i show her two outfits.

first outfit is a black dress with flowers and a red cardigan.

second outfit is more casual, a white t-shirt with jeans and a leather jacket.

"go with the shirt and jeans" kourtney tells me. "thanks kourt. can you do my makeup?" i ask. "neens, you don't need any makeup" she says. "okay, thank you. now, i need to leave soon" i tell her. "alright, bye neens! bye gina" she says to us. "bye!" gina and i say at the same time. gina notices that i'm worried and says, "neens, relax. you're going to be fine".  "thanks gi. i really appreciate you" i tell her. 

i leave the room and start heading outside

ej's pov

ricky is going completely bizerk. "bro, can you chill? it's not like you're proposing to her. wait, you're not proposing to her, right?" i ask him. "god no! not that would be a bad thing. oh my god what am i saying. ej i need serious help" he tells me. "ricky, you need to relax. you look fine and you need to meet nini in like 2 minutes!" big red says to him. "yeah, red is right. you need to leave! what the hell are you standing there for?!" i shout at him. "okay, you guys are right. bye" ricky exclaims. 


ricky's pov

i get to south lawn just in time and i see nini walking towards me. wow, she's gorgeous. she smiles and waves. i do the same.

"bowen, are you gonna just stand there?" nini says. "uh, no" i say, with a laugh, "lets head to my car, yeah?" i ask her. "sure".

"ricky, where are we going for dinner?" she asks me. "well, neens, that is for me to know and you to find out" i respond to her. "god, you always do this" she scoffs. "okay, what the hell do you mean by 'always'?" i ask her. "okay, 8th grade. the day after summer started. you said to meet you outside of your house, we started walking and you said the exact same thing. we ended up at an abandoned car lot. that was hella sketchy" she tells me.

"okay, yeah. but, you had an amazing time, right?" i smirk as we get in the car. "maybe" she says, in a whisper. "well, that was only one example. you at least have to name two" i say as i back out of the parking garage. 

"in 6th grade, you told me to meet you in your backyard after school and walked away after that. i was way too scared but, i did it for you. you made me climb up a tree! granted, there was a treehouse but, another example of leaving me clueless" she says. 

"yeah, but we had some of the greatest times in that treehouse" i tell her, hoping she would get the point.


7th grade: mid-summer

ricky's pov

"hey neens!" i say as she climbs into the house. "hey ricky" she replies, seeming off. "is there something wrong?" i ask her. "no, not really" she shrugs. yeah, there's definitely something wrong. "it's just something a few girls said in algebra class. it's really no big deal" she tells me.

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