15. dating

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gina's pov

i wake up and look around the room. god, it's already 7:00am? everyone is dead asleep still so, i take the initiative to wake everyone up. "guys! we fell asleep! we got class soon, wake your asses up!" i shout. "gi, come on 5 more minutes", "hell no, get up now!".

i see everyone starting to wake up but i notice that ricky and nini aren't here. "guys, have you seen ricky and nini?" i ask. "no, they're probably making out or something" big red says. "what the hell?!" kourtney states. "why would they be doing that?" seb asks.

"well, i've suspected that they've been dating for a while now. every time we bring ricky up to nini, she smiles at the ground and vice versa. it's kinda obvious" carlos says. "they're not very good at lying so, you might be right" ej says.

"whatever, i'm just gonna go to my dorm. i'll text you guys if i see them" i say.

i leave the room and start walking back to mine. i unlock the door and it's pretty dark besides the light shining in from the window.

i turn on the light and i see a shirtless ricky and nini wearing his shirt from last night. "oh my god!" i scream. they immediately wake up.

"oh shit"

ricky's pov

jesus fucking christ. "hey..gina" i say. "you guys wanna tell me what the hell is going on here?!" she shouts. "well, ricky was tired yesterday and didn't want to walk all the way back to his dorm building so, i let him crash here" nini states.

"okay. but, you could've easily slept in carlos and seb's room and that doesn't explain why you're wearing ricky's shirt, why ricky is shirtless, and why you guys were cuddling. also, while we're on the topic, you basically kissed ricky last night in front of everyone" i exclaim.

"okay, well, you see...god dammit. okay fine, nini and i are dating. is that what you wanted to hear?!" i say, almost shouting. "okay, guys no need to get so heated" nini states. "neens is right. i think we should just explain to you" i say, calmly.

"okay, explain." gina responds. "well, maybe like in september, the day ricky and i went stargazing. we came back to the dorm and ricky gave me this whole speech about how much he liked me. i gave him a similar speech and then we kissed. and we've been dating ever since" nini says.

"yeah, and yesterday, we just wanted so alone time so, nini invited me over. you probably know what happened after that" i tell gina. "yeah, i know what happened. i mean, i'm happy for you guys. i just- i want to know why you didn't tell me" she asks.

"we wanted to keep it a secret but, well, secret's out. just please, don't tell anyone else." nini pleads.

gina's pov

"yeah, i won't" i respond. we sit in silence. i'm debating whether or not i should tell them about ej and i. i needed to tell them eventually so, i'll do it.

"well, since we're on the topic of relationships, i have something to tell you guys", "yeah, go for it" ricky replies. "well, you see, ejandiaredatingandalmostalloftherestofthegroupknowsexceptyouguysbecausewethoughttherewouldbetoomuchtension" i say, quickly. "wow" they say at the same time.

"since when?" nini asks. "uhm, junior year. when he went there for the summer" i say, hesitantly. "THAT LONG?!?" she shouts. "hey, hey, neens calm down" ricky says to her.

"ok, okay. but that long? and you didn't tell me?", "well, kourt, ash, and big red only found out recently" i state. "even big red knew?!" nini shouts. "yes, i'm sorry and i know you're mad at me but, i really was trying to keep you happy" i respond.

"i know, i'm just shocked that so many people knew other than us. i'm happy for you too gi. wow, what are the odds that we all end up here?" she says. "it's like the universe is trying to tell us something" ricky says. "yeah, maybe".

ej's pov

i suddenly get a call from gina and i pick it up immediately. "hey gi, what's up?", "uhm, so i'm in ricky and nini's room right now and, well, i told them about us" she says. i almost drop my phone at what she says. "i'm coming over"

"ej, what's wrong?" carlos asks. "i gotta go, bye" i respond. i practically run out of his dorm and book it down the hall. i knock on the door. gina opens it and i see ricky and nini and ask "hey guys, what's going on?".

i get a better look at them. nini's wearing ricky's shirt from yesterday and ricky is topless. "oh god, did y'all-", "yes! we did, no need to say it aloud" nini states. "ok, so are you guys like friends with benefits or....", "ej, nini and i are dating." ricky states, in a serious tone.

"wow, how long?" i ask. "since september" they say at the same time. i turn to gina, "did you know about this?", "not until a few minutes ago" she responds. "damn. also, FINALLY!" i exclaim. "finally?" nini questions.

"yes, finally! hate to break it to you guys but, we saw it coming. we had a group chat about you two" i tell them. "seriously?! well, we had a group chat about you two!" ricky says.

"wow" gina says. "well, does anyone else know?" i ask them. "well, no. gina's the first one to find out" nini states. "oh shit, how are we gonna tell the others?" ricky asks.

"i mean, we could all just tell them, i guess" gina suggests. "i guess you're right" i reply. "when?" nini asks. "next week", "okay"

~1 week later~

seb's pov

ever since our new year's party, the group has been distant. "they have to be dating." carlos says. "well, how do you know that?", "it's obvious. we just need to confront them. it's only a matter of time." he replies.

"when? and you need to have concrete evidence so it doesn't seem like you just wanna accuse people" i tell him. "you're right. but, all the evidence is there already." he responds.

"we'll see"

carlos' pov

carlos' pov

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————————————————————————hey! i'm finally on spring break so, hopefully, i'll update more frequently

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hey! i'm finally on spring break so, hopefully, i'll update more frequently. i appreciate you guys for everything and i hope you're enjoying this story. have a good day/night! <3
~m :)

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