1. what the fuc-

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nini's pov

alright, today is the first day of the rest of my life. adulthood, ew. 

i'm so glad that all my friends and i are going to the same university. i couldn't imagine my life without them. especially when things get tough, like that one time. but anyway, we're all ready to leave. we booked the same flight so we could meet each other at the airport. it is currently 2:30am. okay just enough time to get to our flight on time. okay, yes, our flight is at 9:00am. but, my moms and i have to pick up everyone and then drive all the way to the airport. then, we have to get through security, yada yada yada. i just want to be prepared.

i knock on my moms' door to see if they're ready. i can tell they're trying to hold back tears. "moms, i'm only going to be gone for 4 years and i will visit every break, if i can." nini states. "yeah, we know that. we're just gonna miss you, that's all" mamma d says. "make sure you call us everyday or at least a text" mamma c says. "of course i will! i'm going to miss you guys everyday." she says, holding back tears. "i love you guys" nini says while hugging her moms. "okay, okay, we need to pick up your friends!" mamma c exclaims.

general pov

they leave the house and get in the car. first stop: kourtney's house. the two have been best friends for as long as they can remember. they're practically sisters. 

when they get to her house, the two teens start screaming "AHHHHH ARE YOU READY FOR UNI?" kourtney screams. "UHM YOU ALREADY KNOW I AM" says nini. "hurry up, get in the car!" mamma d shouts. the two girls start laughing to themselves. "okay, who else are we picking up?" kourtney asks. "i think just gina and ashlyn, seb and carlos are going take an uber" nini says. next is gina's house. nini and kourtney met gina in 9th grade. they instantly became best friends because they had common interests and they could be vulnerable with each other. the duo practically jump out of the car. "oh my god, can you believe we're going to university?!" gina says, almost screams.

gina is a little nervous for university, but not in the way you think. she knows that ej, her boyfriend, is also going to columbia and some of his friends are going with him. ricky is going to columbia. here's the thing, ricky and nini had a huge fallout the summer before 9th grade. nini was heartbroken. gina was there for nini shortly after it happened. 

ej on the other hand, was not nervous at all. he has been wanting to have their two friend groups meet up. gina had to put that off for the time being. but, she had recently found out that they all are going to the same school so, what a rush. ej was ecstatic that his girlfriend, his friends, and her friends were all going to columbia. at least it worked out for him.

~flashback~ the night before

gina's pov

"ej, i don't know if this is a good idea" i say. "how? we'll finally be together in public and we don't have to hide it from our friends anymore!" ej exclaims. "yeah, i do want our friends to know, but i still think it's too soon for nini. she's still pretty hurt over the whole ricky fiasco". "okay, how about this: we'll meet up when your friends are in their classes and whenever you're ready, we'll tell them. yeah?" my boyfriend asks. "sure, i guess". "okay! it's settled" ej says. "goodnight babe" i say. "goodnight".

present: in the car

general pov

"alright, let's pick up ash and then we can head to the airport!" mamma c states. "AHHHH I CAN'T WAIT!" kourtney shouts. they arrive at ashlyn's house. "get in loser we're going to new york!" gina says, excitingly. "AHHH YOU GUYS!! we're going to be freshmans in university. can you believe it?!" ashlyn asks. the trio, nini, kourtney, and gina, met ashlyn in sophmore year of high school. she had just moved from chicago because her dad got a job transfer. they all instantly clicked. "i can't even fathom how i graduated high school" nini states. "okay don't even, because i know for a fact that you had the best grades out of all of us" kourtney says to nini. "okay, possibly". "mhm". the group of girls start laughing.

the group of teenagers arrive at the airport. they spot carlos and seb waiting for them inside already. "well, this is it. we're going to miss you girls!" mamma d states. "awe! we're going to miss you guys too! thank you for being so caring to all of us for these past years." gina says, speaking for the girls. "well of course we would! mamma d and i love you girls!" mamma c exclaims. the group starts to head inside. "you guys go ahead. i'm gonna say bye to my moms". they all nod in agreement. "bye mammas! i'm going to miss you so much! i will call or text you everyday." nini says, trying not to cry. "we'll miss you too honey. stay safe and call us if anything happens. okay?" mamma d says. "okay" nini states, while tearing up. "I LOVE YOU!", "WE LOVE YOU TOO!". 

nini's pov

~6 hours later~

for the past 5 hours, the girls, seblos and i have been talking and trying to stay awake. we got somethings to eat but, you know airport food, it's overpriced as hell. "flight 264 now boarding". we all abruptly and excitedly stand up and get in line to board the plane. this is it, 7 more hours and we'll be in new york. 

~7, long ass, hours later~

"bitch, that was the longest flight of my life." carlos exclaims feeling tired as hell. "guys i'm so excited! we should check out or dorms first and then maybe explore the campus." i say, full-heartedly. i get a bunch of "yeahs" and "maybes" from my friends. yeah, i get it. they're tired. but, this is the start of our new lives! we should celebrate. we take an huge uber to our campus. seriously, this car is massive. anyway, to talk about massive, my friends and i look out our windows and see our university. wow, i knew this place was big, but i wasn't expecting this. 

gina's pov

see, this place is way to big to randomly run into ricky. yeah, lets just say that.

general pov

the group goes to the administrators office to ask where their dorms are. turns out, they all live pretty close to one another. nini and gina share a room, ashlyn and kourtney share a dorm, and seblos shares a room. they get settled in their dorms and decide to look around campus 7:30pm. gina and nini start discussing what their classes are. "well i mainly took night classes so that i could sleep in" nini states. "ugh that's so smart. i should've done that. oh well, i'm stuck with waking up a 7am" gina says. 

gina's pov

okay, good. ej told me that he chose morning classes and ricky has night classes as well. so, we can avoid that scenario. please let this plan go well.

nini's pov

okay, now we're going to try and find somewhere to eat and probably explore the campus. ah!! this is so exciting. we're free, kind of. at least there's not a specific school schedule, i guess that's a plus. 

while we're walking around, i notice a familar face. "EJ CASWELL?!" i scream. I DIDN'T KNOW ASH'S COUSIN GOES HERE! "hey ej!" ashlyn and the rest of the group says. we catch up with him and he says that two of his friends are here as well but they were too lazy to look around. relatable. anyway, we catch up with him when suddenly a guy's voice says "yo ej, where have you been? red and i have been waiting for the food!". 

ej and gina's pov

oh shit.

nini and ricky's pov

what the fuc-


AHHHH THAT WAS CHAPTER 1 OF 'hating you' I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT! see you in the next one!

~m :))

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