14. more

821 20 22

smut warning! skip if you want. this chapter will not be important to the storyline. enjoy!
general pov

nini locks the door as ricky walks backwards towards the bed. nini straddles his lap as they make out. ricky moves down her neck to a spot that makes her go wild. she moans as he sucks on it continuously.

he pulls away and says "shit, i don't have protection. we can't do this without it". she walks over to her side table and pulls out a pack. "would this work?" she asks. "yeah".

"ricky, uhm, i'm a virgin so i'm kinda nervous" she says. she looks uneasy a little. "don't worry neens, we'll figure it out together. i'll take care of you. i promise" he says, giving her a soothing smile. "i just want to ask one more time, do i have your consent to do this?", "yes, you do ricky" she says with a smile.

he slowly starts to unzip her dress, leaving her in a bra and underwear. she unbuttons his shirt  and pants, leaving him in his boxers. she starts kissing his neck, leaving marks along his jaw. he lifts her up to lay them down on the bed. as he's kissing her, he slowly starts moving down. "what are you doing?" she asks. "i wanna try something" he responds.

he un-clips her bra and for a second she tries to cover herself but he stops her and says, "nini, you're beautiful. you don't need to cover yourself up".

he cups her breasts and she lets out a moan. he blushes at the thought that he's making her feel like this. he starts to kiss around them and slowly puts one in his mouth. she moans a little louder while biting her lip.

ricky then kisses down her stomach, leaving marks along the way, and stops right above her underwear. he gives her a look that says 'are you sure?' and she nods. he takes in how beautiful she looks as he pulls it down.

he uses his right thumb to slowly rub circles onto her clit. she lets out a breathy moan and throws her head back. he then licks his index finger and slowly starts to insert it. "m-mhm ricky". at the same time, he starts to lick her bud and that makes her go wild.

he begins moving his finger faster and adds another one. she threads her fingers through his hair, pushing him closer to her core. "a-agh shit" she moans. he smirks at the noises she's making.

her body begins to shake and he has an idea of what that means. so, he slowly removes his fingers and lick the liquids off. he kisses her and she enjoys to the taste of herself on his lips.

as they kiss, she starts pulling down his boxers. his breath hitches as he feels her gripping his member. "a-ah neens". she jerks him off faster and then stops, driving him crazy.

"i'm ready ricky", "okay". he grabs the condom off the side table and opens it. he starts to roll it on and nini says "how do you know how to do that?". he looks up at his girlfriend. "i mean, it's pretty straightforward. why?", "it just seems like you know what you're doing" she says in a whisper.

"nini, i'm a virgin. i'm just as nervous as you are. if you have doubts we can stop right now. i just want you to be comfortable" he states. "no, i don't want to stop. i was just curious" she replies. "alright".

he slowly starts to move into her and she breathes in and out. "ow! okay wait". he immediately stops what he's doing and looks at her.

she has her eyes sealed shut and her facial expression can only be described as pain. "neens, are you sure you don't want to stop?", "no, i just need to get used to you. just move very slowly please". he continues to insert the rest of himself into her. once he's all the way in, she tries to breathe regularly.

"i won't move until you tell me to" he states.

he kisses her cheek and then her lips. she starts kissing back but stops every once in a while. "i'm sorry nini. i can't imagine the pain you're going through", "no, it's better now. i think you can start moving" she says.

he steadily starts moving in and out of her. she grunts as they start to make out again. after a while, she starts gasping into his mouth. the gasps suddenly turn into moans as he starts moving a little faster.

"mhm~ ricky"

he continues at this pace as nini says, "ricky?". he hums in response. "fuck! a-ah!" she moans as he hits her g-spot. he repeats his motions again. "yeah neens?" he asks.

"m-more". "as you wish"

he practically starts pounding into her and she tries not to scream due to the fact that it's the middle of the night. "god babe, you're so tight" he moans. she leans up trying to leave even more marks on his neck.

he finds the same spot again and starts thrusting faster than before. "fuck! right there baby oh my~". he glances at her. "you're so beautiful bubby" he says. she blushes at the name that they've had for each other ever since middle school.

"s-shit, ricky, i'm gonna cum", "me too babe". her body begins to shake and her moans are louder than ever. he leans down to her ear and says "cum for me".

at that point, it's all over for her. she releases all over his shaft. he feels her walls clenching through her orgasm and he soon releases as well. they both stand up to go to the bathroom and get themselves cleaned up.

he discards the condom and puts his boxers back on. he patiently waits for his lady to come out of the bathroom. she comes out wearing his shirt and, very short, shorts.

he smiles as they lay down to cuddle.

"well, that was something." nini says while smiling. "it was. was it good or?" he asks her. "honestly, it was the best sex i've ever had" she stated, jokingly.

"thank you" she says. "for what?" he asks. "for being my first" she responds. "of course, i'd do anything for you" ricky replies.

they slowly start to fall asleep, smiling to themselves.

HAKDJAKDKADJSJD OK HI! you made it! i'm sorry if this was terrible, this is my first time writing smut iaduakshsnfjakdjskd. please rate it in the comments. you could literally tell me it's awful. i just need feedback 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️. ANYWAY, have a good day/night! see you in the next one!
~m :)

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