4. i missed you

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ej's pov

so, while ricky gets ready for his 'hangout' with nini, i look back at the plan ashlyn sent us over text.

✨operation rini✨

ashlyn: i have an idea. no ditching this time, i promise.

me: okay, what is it?

gina: yeah, ash. what is it?

ashlyn: we could plan a picnic and play games. maybe truth or dare?

just get them to bond as much as possible.

kourtney: that could work. what do you guys think?

carlos: we should try it

seb: yeah, i agree

gina: why the hell not

red: sure, i guess?

me: yeah. but, let's do it in a few days. ricky and nini are hanging

out today and we need to see if this goes well. if it doesn't, we're

all screwed

gina: okay, i think we all agree. hopefully, this goes well.

as soon as i put my phone down, ricky walks out of the bathroom showing me his outfit. "okay, what the fuck are you wearing?", "i don't know, to be honest. i don't know where were going so, i put on this" ricky says to me. "well, why the hell did you put on a suit?" i ask him. "to be formal? ej, will you help me please?" he pleads to me. "yeah, you need a lot of help". i look through his clothes and i try to find something casual. i finally find a green hoodie and some jeans. "here, wear this" i say, while handing it to him. "thanks, i'll be back". he comes back in the room with the clothes on, "damn, i look good. thanks elton". "for the last goddamn time, my name is not elton!" i shout at him while he leaves. i shake my head, he is way too excited for this.

gina's pov

"i don't know gi, i'm freaking out!" nini shouts at me. "neens, calm down. i know that kourtney is in class right now so she can't pick out an outfit for you. but, you literally look amazing in anything." i reply to her. "why are you freaking out anyway? you said you were just hanging out with ricky.", "well yeah but, i don't want him to think this is a date. we're just two old friends who want to catch up" nini states. yeah right. as if i believe that bullshit. but, whatever helps her sleep at night. "okay, well if you want, i can help you", "really?! AHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" nini exclaims. "of course, i can't leave my girl hanging". i look at her wardrobe. okay, i can work with this. i find a light blue sweater, a white jean skirt, and some jewelry. "here, try this on" i tell her. she comes back out and she looks amazing. "damn gigi, you're one hell of a stylist", "well, i try". we both burst into laughter. "anyway, i should go soon. thanks gi!", "of course, anytime!" i reply. i really hope this goes well.

ricky's pov

i have never been more nervous for anything in my life. this has to go well. i miss nini and i just want that friendship back. i go to the south lawn waiting for nini. about 2 minutes later, she arrives with a blanket. "hey! sorry, were you waiting a long time?", "no, i just got here a few minutes ago. also, i gotta ask, what the hell is that blanket for?" i tell her. "well i was thinking, if we pick-up some food and go to a park, or something, we could have a picnic." she replies to me. "just like we used to do in middle school" i say while smiling. "yeah, you remembered" she tries to hide her smile, but i know her too well.

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