10. freaking out

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ricky's pov

we planned on staying there for half an hour. but, things don't go to plan. "nini?! neens! wake up! oh my god, we fell asleep!", "what! oh my god, gina is gonna freak. god damn it!" she shouts. "neens, it's okay. it's not like we're seventeen and live with our parents, we're in university", "yeah, you're right. anyway, we should head back now", "yeah".

she links her arm around mine as we walk. "did you sleep well? i know it might've been hard sleeping on the ground", "not really. although, you did start snoring a little bit and it was the cutest thing ever", "stop it right now, i swear", "okay, okay!" i put my hands up in defeat.

"i'm kind of hungry, do you want to get breakfast?" she asks me. "yeah, we should" i respond. we find a spot called 'Absolute Bagels' and we start walking there. we walk in silence before nini says, "ricky, i'm really glad that we starting hanging out again. you're a great friend and i don't know what i would do without you". friend, yeah friends. "yeah, i'm happy we reconnected and didn't just try to avoid each other" i respond.

we get to the place and order our food. while we're waiting i say, "i wonder what our friends are doing", "yeah me too" she responds.

gina's pov

"where the hell is she?!" i shout. i'm currently in my dorm room with kourtney and ej. "neither of them are answering their phone. it could either be a good thing or a bad thing" ej states. "how the hell would that be a good thing?!?" i ask.

"well, it means that they could be having a good time right now, hanging out together", "that's true" i respond. "we shouldn't be freaking out. i'm sure they can handle themselves" kourtney says. "yeah you're probably right. i'm just worried because she didn't come back last night" i say. "i'm sure she's safe, she's with ricky" ej says.

"you really think that ricky is safe?" kourtney asks. "well...". "whatever, we need to get to class"

nini's pov

as we eat our bagels, we walk back to campus. "nini, what would life be like if we were together? like in a relationship" he asks me. "well, i don't think it would be weird. in 8th grade, i would've gone crazy" i respond. "wait, you had a crush on me in 8th grade?" he asks. "yeah...you didn't know?! i swear i was being so obvious" i tell him.

"well, i guess we were both oblivious since i liked you too" he says.

he liked me too? whoa. "wait are you serious?", "yes, i'm dead serious", "oh my god, we were so stupid" i say. "okay, we weren't stupid, we were just stuck in our own world, i guess" he tells me. "yeah, you're right. we had nothing to worry about in middle school", "yeah".

we get back to campus and ricky says, "sorry that i kept you out this late, i know gina is probably gonna freak when you get back", "no, it's okay. i'm an adult and i can handle myself. thank you for agreeing to meet up with me" i reply. "of course, anything for my best friend. if you need to talk, i'm there 24/7." he states.

i lean in for a hug and it lasts longer than expected.

"do you want to go to my dorm? i'm pretty sure gina is in class right now" i ask. "i mean, sure. we could hang for a little longer" i replies. and with that, we start going towards my building.

we get to my dorm and ricky asks "why are we here? i mean, i want to spend time with you it's just, why? i'm confused". i respond saying "well, i don't really know. i just wanted to kill some time, i guess".

i knew exactly what i was doing. for some reason, i wanted to kiss ricky.

yeah, it might feel like middle school but yesterday it just, i don't know, felt different. i may sound crazy but, it's like, i want a relationship with him.

hell, let's go for it.

hey 🤚, i'm back from the dead. also, sorry for the hella short chapter. i kinda don't really have any ideas. but, i feel like i'm going somewhere with this so, stay tuned! thank you guys so much for everything! have a good day/night! <3

~m :))

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