18. beth

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ricky's pov

"i don't want this to end," nini says as we drive back to campus. "we can do it again tomorrow if you want" i respond.

"but then it won't be as exhilarating. i liked the spontaneity of it all" she tells me.

"i can tell," i say, gesturing towards the bags of everything we bought. "okay, you can't just tell me we're going to times square and expect me to not buy anything," she says.

yup, i took her to times square. she always told me she wanted to go after watching home alone 2. granted, there was only a brief clip of times square in the movie. but she liked the idea of the big city.

~flash back~

(6th grade, spring break)

"that movie was amazing!" nini tells me. 

"what did you like the most about it?" i ask her.

"i dunno, times square seems exciting though! i want to go there and buy a bunch of stuff" she says. i can tell she's thinking about it in admiration.

"how do you know? it was barely even showed", "i just know" she responds.

"i'll take you there someday," i tell her. "really?!" she asks in shock.

"of course, i am your best friend after all", "thank you, thank you, thank you!" she exclaims as she hugs me.

~present time~

"i can't believe it. i've been dreaming of this ever since 6th grade" she states. "yeah, i know" i reply.

i park the car and open the trunk. "god how much stuff did i buy?" nini asks herself. "i don't know but you looked like a little kid in a candy store" i say while laughing.

"shut up".


nini's pov

today was amazing. 

after i went to all my classes, ricky and i went out to eat dinner with the rest of the group.

as we get back to campus, there's a girl about my height that looks like she's trying to find someone.

"you're richard right?" she asks, walking towards ricky.

"uhm yeah, but only my grandparents call me that. call me ricky. what's up?" he asks. at this point, our friends have left and i'm patiently waiting beside ricky.

"i think we were partnered for a project in film studies. i'm beth" she tells him.

beth. like elizabeth? or bethany? maybe. i start to analyze what she looks like. we have a similar hair length. it's lighter than mine though. it could be blonde but i can't tell in this lighting. we have a similar style. i have a feeling she's older than me though. 

nini stop. no need to get jealous.

yeah, you're right. everything is perfectly fine.

"i guess we could start working on it on thursday" ricky says. "great, do you want to go to a coffee shop or one of our dorms?" she asks. "we could go to a coffee shop" he replies. "okay, i'll see you then". with that, she walks away.

"neens, you okay?" ricky asks me. "yeah, i'm gonna go back to my dorm now. i'll see you tomorrow" i tell him. "okay, goodnight", "goodnight" i say as i rush back to my room.

bethany hill- portrayed by talia ryder

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bethany hill- portrayed by talia ryder

nicknames: beth, annie

friends: unknown

description: bethany hill, known as beth, is the girl every guy picks. she's that girl. and why wouldn't she be? she has a perfect body, perfect GPA, everything about her is just perfect. she's not looking to start any trouble but will she, unknowingly, cause a broken heart? well, just you wait.


hey besties 😏😏😏

DONT HATE ME LOL. did you expect them to have a perfect relationship? it is called 'hating you' after all. but anyway, it's good to be back. also, i didn't wanna use sabrina as beth bc too much drama. ANDDD i really liked talia in deja vu and she's literally casted as 'the other girl' in the mv so it just made sense, to me, to use her. anyhow, love u besties, and see u soon!

~m <33

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