5. a picnic?

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ashlyn's pov

today is the day! we're gonna have a picnic in the park. though, nini and ricky don't know about it. see, we've been trying to tell them but they just get caught up in their own world that they don't even listen to us. it's been a week since they've hung out. things have definitely changed. the whole group seems happier.

gina, kourtney, and i are getting food for our picnic. "should we tell neens soon? she doesn't even know what's going on today" gina asks. "we should tell her. but not right now. she's probably still sleeping or fantasizing about ricky" i tell her. "you can say that again. it's like ever since they made up after that fight, it's middle school all over again. i'm glad you guys weren't there for what big red and i had to see" kourtney tells us. "what, were they dating or something?", "no, it was worse. they both had feelings for each other but they were too oblivious to notice. like, come on, the entire school sees it" she scoffs. "damn, imagine them like that now. oh wait, they are." gina says. we all start laughing.

we get our food and head back into the car. "wait! should we get a picnic basket or is that too extra?" gina asks us. "uhm, hell yes. we are getting that basket" i tell her. "gi, you always have the best ideas" kourtney says. "surprisingly, there's picnic baskets at walmart, who knew" gina says while look at her phone. "wait let me see", "ash, pay attention to the road!" gina says. "sorry" i say. once we get to the store, we pay for the basket and leave. "ash, where are we going for the picnic?" kourtney asks me.

"hm, i didn't think of that. we could hang out at south lawn but that's on campus and it's probably crowded. we could go to central park but there's tourists. probably morningside?", "okay, sounds good to me" kourtney says. "do you guys know what nini and ricky did at their 'hang out'?" i ask them "no, but i know they got food" gina tells me. "we can just ask her when we get back" kourtney tells us. "yeah you're right".

gina goes back to her room to get ready while kourtney and i go to our dorm. "kourt, i got a question for you", "okay, tell me". "i know we all know that ricky and nini have feelings for each other. but, what about gina and ej? the first night we were here, they came up with this plan. and they talk like they've known each other for years. it's really weird" i tell her. "there's definitely something up about them. i wonder if they're dating" she tells me. "that would be weird, my cousin and one of my best friends dating? but, if they're happy, then i'm okay with it", "yeah, anyway, lets get ready".

once kourt and i are ready, we head over to nini and gina's dorm.

gina's pov

i hear a knock on the door. i was about to answer it but, nini beat me too it. "ash and kourt, what are you guys doing here? oh my gosh, wait, are we hanging out today? if we are, i'm sorry. i completely forgot" nini says to them. "actually, we are hanging out. but, not just us girls. all of us are going!" ashlyn says to her. "wait, what do you mean by 'all of us'?", "you, kourt, gina, seb, carlos, big red, ej, ricky, and me" ashlyn says. "wait, ricky is going?! why didn't you tell me sooner? now i have to get ready. oh my god, great move guys!" nini shouts. she runs into the bathroom and shuts the door. "damn, someone is excited. i've never seen her run faster in her life." kourtney says.

i look at the time. 12:30pm. "should we tell her it doesn't start until 2?" i ask. "nah, i think she'll be faster this way" ashlyn says in a whisper. "KOURTNEY I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE. CAN YOU PICK OUT AN OUTFIT FOR ME?!" nini screams. "yeah, i'm on it!" kourtney replies. "should we help her?" ashlyn asks me. "yeah".

~1 hour later~

okay, we're all finally ready. nini was freaking out for no reason. i text the groupchat to see if everyone is ready

 i text the groupchat to see if everyone is ready

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