16. out

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carlos' pov

"so what are we doing here?" ej asks as ricky walks in.

"well, i have gathered you guys here because i'm here to confronted y'all" i state. "confront us about what?" nini asks. "i was hoping you'd say that nini. it's about you, ricky, ej, and gina" i tell them.

"okay, what about us?" gina asks me. "well, carlos just wanted to know if you wanted to tell us anything" seb says for me. "yeah, so speak up now bitches!" i exclaim.

"i clearly have nothing to say so i'm just gonna head out" ej says. "no, no one is leaving this room until someone spills" i say, seriously.

"los, why don't you just tell us why you're calling out nini, ricky, ej, and gina?" kourtney says. "fine. i know you guys are dating." i tell them.

"wait like in a polyamorous relationship?!" big red asks. "no! why would we do that?! and, why do you think we're dating carlos?" nini questions.

"i just know. as my drama professor says 'i have impeccable instincts'" i respond.

they all keep quiet. we stay like that for a minute until ashlyn says "you guys might as well tell them now". "yeah, you're right" gina replies.

"okay fine. we're throwing you guys a surprise party!" ej says. "ej, no! you're right, we're dating" nini says.

"ha! i knew it! how long?", "nini and i have been dating since september", "yeah and ej and i have been dating since summer of junior year" gina adds.

"damn, i didn't know you bitches could keep a secret!" i exclaim. "babe, calm it" seb says to me.

"anyway, can we head out now? i haven't eaten since like 9am" big red says. "we could have dinner together" ricky suggests. "sure, sounds great!" ashlyn exclaims.

ej's pov

well, did not expect my day to go like that. however, i'm glad that our friends know.

we leave campus and start walking to the restaurant. "gi! come here" i exclaim. she walks over to me and says "yeah? what do you need?". "i just wanted to say i love you" i tell her. "well, i love you too. god, that feels nice to say", "it really does" i reply.

"i can't believe everyone knows now" she says. "yeah, it's kinda surreal" i respond. "you should've seen the look on their faces. ricky was shirtless on her damn bed and tries to play it off as if they didn't just fuck each other. it was priceless" gina says while laughing. "damn, wish i was there when you caught them" i say.

"THEY HAD SEX?!" carlos shouts. well shit.

nini's pov

"thanks a lot elton!" rickys says. "for the last time, my name isn't elton john!" ej shouts. "i hate you so much right now ej" i tell him. "okay! guys it wasn't even his fault! it was mine. chill out" gina says. 

"actually i think carlos is just nosy" big red states. "not the time biggie" ashlyn says. "biggie? is there something you guys want to tell us?" ricky asks. "nope. nothing" big red responds.

"can you guys hurry up?! i'm getting hungry!" kourtney exclaims. "yeah, yeah, we're going" seb says.


AYO IM BACK BESTIES!! not really LMAO i just wanted to update in honor of 4k reads! thank you so much. i appreciate every single one of you. sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, tbh i'm too lazy to check. finals are coming soon and i just wanna unalive myself. HAHAJDJAFD anyway! sorry this chapter is hella short. i think i finally have some ideas coming in so hang in there besties! okok peace out.

~m :))

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