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since i'm discontinuing this...i might as well tell you guys what happens to the crew 🙏

- gina and ej stay together, they have a few arguments here and there. but, they love each other too much to stay mad for very long. they live in a small apartment with each other and are content with their lives.
- kourtney met a guy named howie in senior year and really hit it off with him. (kowie supremacy 🛐)
- big red and ashlyn dating for like a month or two but they realized they were way too different for each other. big red now works at his family's pizza shop in nyc. ashlyn met a guy, antoine, who came to columbia uni to study abroad. they both signed up for gender neutral dorms and yk how that goes.
- beth ended up realizing her mistakes and thought it was best to stay single for a while to focus on herself
- seb and carlos are as happy as ever and are living together in a condo with 2 cats 😩😩.
- ricky, eventually, got over nini. they reconnected after a few years and became friends again. they realized how stupid it was to think that their relationship would last forever.
- nini got over ricky pretty quickly. when they became friends again, it started off awkward but they got through it. ricky even helped her get a boyfriend. they didn't last long. but, nini knows her worth and can handle herself.
- the group still hang out together every now and then but they need time to figure out who they are as adults. they want to enjoy life instead of getting caught up in immature bullshit <3

the end.
LMAO sorry for this terrible ending, but i hope y'all enjoyed whatever this shit was 😙🙏. thank u guys for everything, i enjoyed writing this and seeing how y'all reacted 😩😩. love y'all and hope ur ok 😋😋

~m <3

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