2. dinner for two

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general pov

"oh, guys. this is my friend ricky. he's also from chicago" ej states, trying to act normal. ricky shakes everyone's hand while nini and kourtney give him a death stare. ricky looks down at the ground. "well, i think i should head back to our dorm. i don't wanna leave red alone. he'll feel left out, or something" ricky says, trying to steer his attention away from nini. "oh, no. you don't have to do that. we can just invite him too! we'll all have dinner together" seb states.

"yeah, the more the merrier. i guess" nini says, trying to stay calm. "unless you don't want to, of course" ashlyn exclaims. ashlyn wasn't oblivious to the fact that there was something going on. she knew most of the story about what happened with the two but she didn't want to add salt to the wound.

"i mean, if it's okay with you guys, sure why not.". he get's excited "okays" from seb, carlos, and ashlyn, an "alright" from gina, and two sighs from nini and kourtney. nini was not thrilled about this. her ex-best friend having dinner with her and her friends. great.

nini's pov

well this is not how i expected my first night here to go.

gina's pov

big red shows up and ashlyn finds a restaurant on yelp so, we start walking here. i have a feeling something bad is going to happen. ej keeps on looking at me. i stare at him. damn, i haven't seen him in forever. i missed him. now, we probably can't even meet up because our friends would be suspicious. ej starts walking backwards slowly, towards me. jesus fucking christ, now our friends are definitely going to be suspicious. "hey, how you holding up?" he asks me. "not that well. but, i can tell nini is doing worse. also, you're supposed to act like you barely know me!" i say, in a whisper-yell. "well, i'm sorry. i miss you. i haven't seen you since winter break!". 

"yeah i'm sorry too. from the looks of it, nini isn't over ricky. she may deny it but, either way, she still loves him in some way". "gi, i have a chaotic idea." ej says to me, eagerly. "what is in that head of yours?", "well, do your other friends know about what happened?" ej asks. "they know the situation but, carlos and seb don't know that it's ricky. nini felt like they would've found him on social media and hate on him." i tell him. "okay. well, since ricky has been hung up over nini ever since i met him. and, he's been kinda, spacey lately", "yeah, nini has been too". 

ej then presents this idea to me, "what if, we try and, i don't know, get them together?". "are you psycho?! that is the craziest thing ever. what if it doesn't work out? it could break the entire group apart and i don't want to be responsible for that." i state. "okay, yes that's very true. but, we could start small. maybe tonight? we could subtly ditch them one-by-one." ej says to me. "what the hell do you mean by subtly ditch them?!", "well we could like tell the rest of the group our plan and, maybe, they will...help us?". i think about it.

there is a possibility that my friends could help us and then ricky and nini would be happier.

or both of them would hate us.

"okay, let's go for it." at that, ej practically screams. the group looks at us weirdly. ricky and nini look away while we try to get the group's attention. we tell them our plan and, surprisingly, they all agree. "okay i agree but, who the hell is nini" big red says. "bro, the chick that ricky has been hung up about. the girl walking behind ricky" ej points, showing red. "ugh thank god i wasn't the only one shipping rini" carlos says. "what the fuck los" kourtney says. kourt isn't completely on board but, she does want nini to be happier so, she agrees. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS GOD DAMN RESTAURANT?!" nini screams. "chill, it's right around the corner" ashlyn states. "okay, just come up with an excuse to leave. but, wait at least 30 minutes. or until we get our appetizers because i know that y'all are hungry" ej says and we laugh. we nod in agreement.

ricky's pov

okay, i'll admit it. i have missed nini. it's crazy because she looks the same yet better? i mean she was attractive before but now? damn, she's beautiful. i should've never left salt lake. chicago wasn't even enjoyable. the only reason i left was because dad's job wasn't "stable" enough. which is complete bullshit because we were doing just fine while my mom was gallivanting in chiago. i hate my fucking life. in salt lake, i had nini. 

i miss my dad. i haven't seen him in forever. todd, my mom's boyfriend, tries to be a father figure to me. which doesn't make any sense because i already have a dad. in chicago, i would just stay in my room alone or go out with my friends. i hated every moment away from nini. she was the only thing keeping me sane. but, now she hates me. i'll just try and talk to the others and avoid nini.

we finally get our appetizers and then kourtney, suddenly, says "damn, i forgot. i have a hella early class tomorrow. i'm so sorry. i need to go. i'll catch up with you guys tomorrow". she then leaves. i don't think anything of it until they all start leaving one-by-one. then, it's just gina, nini, and me. damn, everyone ditched us. but, something's up. 

nini's pov

okay something is definitely up. why the hell is everyone gone? our entrees come in but, i remember that gina didn't even order. "gi, are you okay? you didn't order and you look uneasy. do you want some of my food?". "no, i'm okay. i have to leave anyway because i forgot to bring a hairbrush. so, i need to buy one. i'm sorry guys" gina states. "well you can use-" and she leaves, urgently. fuck. i'm stuck with ricky. i start eating since i don't want this food to go to waste. he hasn't said a word to me all night. i mean yes, we didn't leave off on the right foot but, hey, i'm still a person. i feel bold. so i say "hey, how have you been?", "i've been better". okay what the hell does that mean. is he mad at me? because i think HE was the one who left. not me. ugh, i'm conflicted.

sure, i'm still a little bit mad because he told me a week before he left and just told me out of no where. but, i miss him. BUT THEN HE SAYS HE'S "been better". LIKE OKAY YOU FINALLY SEE AN OLD FRIEND AND YOU SAY THAT. WHATEVER. "okay, you know what. i'm done. i'm done acting like everything is okay! i can't because you left without a notice! who the HELL DOES THAT?! I WAS YOU'RE BEST FRIEND AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN TELL ME THAT. NO, FUCK YOU! I SHOULD'VE LEFT THE MINUTE I SAW YOU. DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO APOLOGIZE. IT'S TOO LATE FOR SORRY!". i screamed at him. that felt so relieving. i left the restaurant, not even caring that people were staring at me. hahah now he has to pay for the bill and sit there in embarrassment.

ricky's pov

damn it, now i have to pay for the bill and she's still mad at me. guess it looks like i'm leaving. i pay for the bill and leave. i walk back to my dorm and instantly yell at red and ej because were lying! they didn't "have early classes and needed to sleep". THAT WAS TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT. ugh god damn it. "what the fuck guys, you lied!?" i yell. "okay, we did lie to you. but, the tension was so high between you and nini that we had to leave. we thought it was best if you talked it out" ej says to me. okay, yeah they're right. but, they could've at least warned us. "yeah, well she fucking cussed me out for no reason. y'all had the best idea in the world" i say, while clapping slowly.

"well what the fuck did you say? you can't blame us, we weren't even there!" red says to me. i think for a second. "all she asked me was 'hey how have you been?' and then i said 'been better'. i swear that was it and she went all bizerk on me!". "you idiot! she probably thought that you meant you didn't want to be there with her!" ej yells at me. fuck, he's right. i know nini better than anyone. "shit, you're right. i want to apologize but she said 'don't even bother to apologize' and then she left". "well, you could at least try. gina told me that nini has late classes so she's probably still up. go over there now. their room number is 135." ej says to me. okay, that's strange. why did gina tell ej their dorm room number? i don't really care right now. i know what i need to do.

i need to find nini.


heheheh. THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES! i didn't even know what they did, i had to google it...HAHHA ANYWAY. i hope you enjoyed that and stay tuned!

~m :))

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