19. paranoid

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nini's pov

i had the most awful dream last night. ricky left me for beth and i couldn't do anything about it. i just need to stop being paranoid. all they are is partners for a class. i need to calm down.

i'm walking with around with ricky, just to get fresh air, that's when i see her again. she doesn't come up to us but she just watches. it's like she's out to get me or something.

"nini, are you okay? you've been staring at that tree for a while" ricky asks me. was i imagining her? i swear she was there like two seconds ago. "yeah i'm fine, just thinking about uh assignments" i tell him with a slight smile. "alright, well i'll walk you back to your dorm. you got class in a little bit.", "thanks.".

gina's pov

kourtney and i are just hanging out in my dorm when we get a knock at the door. kourtney opens it and it's ej. "hey guys! i have just been invited to the party of the century. which means that you guys are all invited too!" he tells us. "uhm how is it the party of the century? also how did you get invited?" i ask him. he hands kourtney and me a flyer.

"CHAD'S 21ST BIG PARTY BASH. party of the century, be there or be square."

"i got invited by some guys in my class. we were talking about water polo after lecture and they said 'yo you should come to this party, bring whoever you want', so i agreed." ej says. "well, if this chad guy is turning 21, there's gonna be alcohol. i'm down" kourtney says. "honestly, let's just go. i'm in need for some partying" i tell them. "great! i'll tell the others" ej states.

our friends all agree and we go on with our day.

ricky's pov

after i dropped nini to her dorm i head over to the coffee shop to meet with beth.

"hey ricky! did you see the draft i emailed you?" she asks me. "yeah, it looks pretty good so far, we just need a little more adjustments" i tell her. "did you hear about the party going on? this random guy gave me a flyer for it, just wanted to know if you were going.", "that's actually so crazy, my friends were just telling me about. also, since my girlfriend is going i kinda have to." i tell her while smiling.

"oh, yeah your girlfriend. what's her name by the way? i remember seeing you guys and she's just so gorgeous!" beth says. "her name's nini, and yeah, she's the most beautiful girl ever. you two would make great friends. we should all hang out at the party, our friends would love you too." i say.

"sounds great."

nini's pov

"are you crazy ricky!? i do not wanna be anywhere near that girl!" i scream at him. "neens, you need to chill out. she's literally just my friend. you're just paranoid. god, i just want to be nice, she doesn't seem to have that many friends." he exclaims. he's right, i just need to calm down. nothing's gonna happen between them.

"okay you're right. i'm sorry, i'm down to meet her" i tell him, feeling defeated. "thank you, now come here. i can tell that you're tense." he tells me while i embrace him.

"when's this party anyway? i need to check if i'm free that day" i say, jokingly. "i think next saturday and i think it's at a frat house.", "sounds like such a safe and legal party and definitely no underage drinking, that's for sure." i sarcastically state. "sound's like a very fun night to me." he tells me, slightly suggestively.

"i'm sure it will be."


i have risen from the dead. i'm back after over a year of not being here. surprise? honestly i was just bored so i decided i might as well give this a proper ending. if you're new to this fic, basically i ended this with a very trash epilogue bc i didn't have motivation lolz. but i hope u enjoy this shit ass story. mwah! have a good day/night.

as always,

m <3

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