screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain

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i'm discontinuing this checkkk 😋😋
LMFAO IM SORRY BUT LIKE YALL SAW IT COMING- but anyway this was supposed to be the last chapter...but lemme explain-
essentially, somehow beth ended up being manipulative and slept with ricky⁉️ then nini obvi found out but didn't tell ricky and then they were at the same party together. nini saw beth all over ricky and was not having it so she walked away and now here we are 🙌

general pov

it's 2am and it starts raining while nini walks away

"god nini! i'm inlove with you and only you!"

"jesus christ! i loved you so much and i hate it! fuck you! you know, there's a difference between inlove and love, ricky! i hate you so fucking much! how could you?! i gave you my everything just for you to go sleep with beth. I LOST MY VIRGINITY TO YOU! and you have the nerve to do this?! then, to top it off, you tell me you're inlove me?! if you really loved me, ricky, you wouldn't have done this."

"i'm sorry nini! i love you so much that it hurts my head! i loved you since we met in kindergarten! granted, it was a different kind of love. but, it was still love. i loved you then and i love you now. i'm so sorry for everything i did. i wasn't in the right head space. i'm so fucking stupid. i'll shout it out to the world if i have to. I'M INLOVE WITH YOU NINA SALAZAR-ROBERTS! can you forgive me?"

"no. this can't be fixed. i'm sorry. but this...i can't forgive and forget. it's over. we're over."

he walks closer to her, wraps his arms around her, as a way of apologizing even more. she wraps her arms around his neck for the last time.

"bye ricky", "bye nini".

he opens the car door for her and says "you looked really beautiful tonight".

the door then shuts and nini drives away, crying.

can you tell this was inspired by the way i loved you? was it that obvious?

that ending sucked ngl LMAO
prob gonna make a whack ass epilogue just for the hell of it 😙😙

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