17. mornings with you

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nini's pov

i didn't expect my night to go that way. we ended up eating at the same restaurant ricky and i fought at. i don't know if they did that on purpose or not, oh well. i just can't believe that we ended up like this. we're finally dating and our friends know. 8th grade me would be freaking out. incredulous

ricky and i are now in my dorm room. gina went to sleep at ej's dorm and i'm pretty sure big red went to kourtney and ashlyn's room.

"what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" ricky asks me. "nothing. just thinking about us." i respond. "okay, whatever you say princess" he replies.

i smile to myself at the nickname. princess. that reminds me of something. i don't remember what. probably something from when we were kids.

"nini?", "yeah?" i respond. "i love you" he states.


i suddenly wake up with ricky by my side.

oh god, it was just a dream. why was it so vivid? 

"ricky, wake up," I say softly. he mumbles something and moves around before asking "neens? why are you up?". 

"i just had a weird dream"

"what was it?"

"you told me you loved me"

"why would that be weird?"

"it wouldn't be but, I feel like it would be too soon," i say that last part quietly.

"well, i don't really know how to respond to that but, I will say that I don't not love you," he says.

"i don't not love you too" i reply.

"okay, now go back to bed," he tells me. "all right. goodnight", "goodnight".

the next day

ricky's pov

i hear knocking on the door and i stumble to get up. nini's still asleep so i open the door and quietly say "hello?".

"hey, ricky!" the person says.

my view is still blurry since i just woke up so i rub my eyes and see, a very energetic, gina.

"what's up?" i ask.

"well, this is my dorm so, i need to get my stuff for class" she responds.

"oh yeah, of course. sorry about that"

"no, you're good. i slept at, well actually, your room"

"yeah, i figured"

"is she still asleep?" gina asks while grabbing her stuff.

"i think so. she abruptly woke up in the middle of the night so, i'll let her sleep" i respond.

"all right. well, i gotta go. i'll see you guys later" she says. "okay, bye".

i get ready by fixing my hair, putting on new clothes, and brush my teeth. i'm starting to get hungry so i decide to wake nini up to get food.

"neens, you gotta wake up. let's get breakfast" i say while lightly shaking her. she groans as she moves around. "i don't want to," she says. "i don't wanna leave you here. so, you need to get up" i reply.

"fine, i'm getting up," she says, defeated.

i see her get up to go to the bathroom to wash her face. i get up and hug her from behind. she slightly inhales deep and melts in my arms. we're both smiling like idiots.

"as much as i love this, do you want to get food or not?" she asks, softly.

"yeah, i'll let you do your thing" i sigh and walk away.

i wait patiently as i watch her run around the dorm to find what she needs. when she's done i tell her "you look so fucking gorgeous". "shut up, i barely put on makeup" nini responds. "well i think you look amazing either way" i say. "you're too good to me" she states quietly. "no no, you deserve it after all these years" i reply.

we stare at each other in admiration for a while. i break the silence by asking "you wanna head out now?".

"sure" she replies.


lolz here's a filler chapter bc i wanna give u some rini fluff before the drama. YEAH I SAID DRAMA AND WHAT ABT IT?! lmao anyway, i'm gonna start making the chapters shorter. hear me out. as much as i love a good 10 page chapter, i felt obligated to make each chapter 1,000+ words. idk why but i think that's why i had writer's block, if that makes any sense. love u besties. have a good day/night!

~m <33

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