13. fuck it

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carlos' pov

that's right! it's finally new year's! new beginnings and new relationships, possibly. things have been pretty good lately. but, there has to be something going on. unlike the others, i'm not oblivious. i see the way nini and ricky look at eachother. and i'm sensing major portwell vibes. "seb, do you think the others know something we don't?" i ask. "you know what they say, the gays are always left astray" he shrugs. "who the hell says that?", "i don't know. i just came up with it" he responds.

i start to look back at the year. i celebrated my one year anniversary with seb, we graduated, somehow we all got into the same university, and we're still a strong friend group. but, i just have a feeling that certain people are hiding something from the others. it's like i'm psychic.

"i think gina and ej are dating. and, ricky and nini are dating" i state. seb then responds with "now, why would you say that?". "i just know. i'm gonna find out sooner or later" i reply.

~a few hours~ (lets just pretend that winter break is over already)

as i leave drama class, i see nini. perfect. "hey neens!", "oh, hi los. what's up?" she asks. "nothing much, i just wanted to tell you that we're having a new year's get together. granted, you are the first person to find out but, i just saw you and thought this would the perfect time to tell you" i tell her. "carlos, didn't we already have a new year's party?", "uhm, yes. but, who doesn't want another one?" i repsond. "okay, sure. why not?" she says.

"great, i'll see you tonight" i say.

"great, i'll see you tonight" i say

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nini's pov

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nini's pov

"well, i guess we're going to carlos' dorm tonight" ricky says. "seems like it. bummer, i wanted to hang out with you" i respond. "i mean, we could just ditch after everyone knocks out" he states. "i guess you're right" i say. "well i should get ready and gina is coming back soon so...you gotta leave", "uh, i'm hurt. how could you?!" he says, jokingly. "be gone mister" i reply. "okay, bye babe" he exclaims. "bye!" i say as i shut the door.

he's gonna be the death of me.

~after everyone's classes~

gina and i are currently getting ready in kourtney and ashlyn's room. luckly, i brought a few dresses from home. a light coral dress and a pastel blue dress. i chose the blue one and started doing simple makeup. "neens, you look amazing!" ashlyn says. "aww thanks ash, you look great too!" i state.

"we're ringing in the new year right!" kourtney states. "period, we all look amazing" gina says. "we should head out soon, it's almost 10:30" i say.

we start walking towards carlos and seb's dorm and we see the guys down the hallway. i lock eyes with the same eyes i saw just a few hours ago. we smile at each other while ej knocks on the door.

"the party may begin!" big red shouts as the door opens. "finally! we've been waiting for you guys!" seb exclaims. "happy new year! i don't know what i would do without you guys" gina states. "awe thank you gi, love you!" kourtney says. "okay stop being sappy! i'm hungry as hell" big states. of course he is.

while we start eating, the group talks among themselves. ricky walks over to me and says "well hello neens". "hello ricky" i reply. "who would've guessed that we started the year as enemies, became friends again, and then started dated each other?" he says, ending in a whisper. "it's pretty unbelievable actually" i state.

"well, here we are. you still down for our plan" ricky asks me. "hell yes. i love our friends and all but, i kinda just wanted to spend today with you" i respond. "that is so sweet and utterly adorable" he states. "shush just enjoy it." i say.

we stare into each other's eyes for a moment as carlos exclaims, "we should play a game!". "what kind of game?" ashlyn asks. "truth or dare, yes?" big red asks us. "sure why not?" ej says.

we all sit on the ground in a circle. ricky is across from me and i try to hide my smile as i notice he's looking at me. "okay, gina. truth or dare?" carlos asks. "dare", "i dare you to tell us if you like anybody", she smiles and says "i do". "okay, who?", "uh uh, you didn't say to specify so..." gina states.

we continue to play the game and then, it's ricky's turn. "ricky, truth or dare?", "i'm gonna go with truth", "okay, is it true that you're only friends with nini?" ashlyn asks. "yes, that is very much true" he responds. i could tell he was lying. i mean, obviously he was lying. i suddenly hear my name.

"nini, truth or dare?" ricky asks me. "dare", "i dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room" he says. everyone stares in shock. "lips or on the cheek?" i ask. "whatever feels best" he says while we make eye contact.

i need to make a decision quick. obviously the group is going to go nuts if i kiss him. but, kissing anyone else would be weird. ej and big red are like brothers to me, gina, kourtney, and ashlyn are like sisters, and seb and carlos are too busy in their own world.

fuck it.

i walk over to ricky. i stare at him and he stares back. i kiss his cheek, very close to the corner of his mouth. i don't say anything and i just walk back to my spot. ricky has a smug look on his face and the others are shocked.

"okay, i think this game is over" seb says.

~1 hour later~

it's 1 minute until midnight and all of our friends are drifting off. i walk over to where ricky is sitting and say "at least we can get out of here sooner". "thank god. i wasn't gonna stay here and watch them sleep. i'll probably just go back to my dorm" he says. "or...you could come over. gina's already knocked out and i have a better idea than sleeping" i state, suggestively.

i look at the clock and it's midnight. our friends are basically sleep so, i kiss ricky and ask "should we get out of here?". "yeah"

we practically run out of the dorm and head to my room. he starts to kiss my neck as i try to open the door. "mhm, ricky". "god neens".

i open the door and he kicks it to close it. "wait are you sure neens? i don't want to pressure you into doing something", "i'm sure".

did you miss me? HAJSHAJSHS IM SORRY I LEFT YOU HANGING. next chapter will prob be out tmrw bc why not? warning! the next chapter will include smut. if you want to skip it, you can. i won't make it important for the storyline that you have to read it. anyway, i hope you have a good day/night!
~m :)

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