6. friends my ass

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nini's pov

i get out of class and immediately head to ricky's dorm room.

i walk past gina and she calls my name. "nini? where are you going?". shit. well, i'll just tell her the truth. "i'm heading to ricky's dorm to pick up my jacket" i tell her. wait, she was walking from this way. meaning she was walking back to our dorm from this side of campus. "hey gi", "yeah?", "why were you coming from this way? our dorm is on the other side of campus and you had your classes earlier" i ask her. she looks nervous. like she's hiding something. "oh, i was talking to ej about our lecture. our last class is the same so, i headed over to his dorm" she tells me. weird. they talked after the picnic? why didn't they talk about it during. whatever.

we part ways as i head to ricky's dorm room. i knock on the door and i'm greeted by big red. "oh, hey nini. why are you here?" he asks me. "i'm here to pick up my jacket from ricky. he said i left it with him." i respond. he nods and calls ricky.

"hey nini! here's your jacket, sorry about that", "no, you're all good. at least you remembered." i tell him. "can we talk? i wanna ask you something" he tells me. oh god, what is happening. i feel like we're back in 8th grade. "yeah" i reply. we step outside and i stare at him. i get lost in his eyes. his eyes, somehow, sparkle in the hallway light. it gets me thinking. what if he never moved? what if we stayed in touch? would we still be best friends? what would our relationship be like?

as i get lost in my thoughts, i realize he's staring back. "neens, have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" he asks me in quiet voice. i smile, "yes, you have. many times". he smiles back at me. "anyway, i just wanted to ask you if you want to have dinner with me. possibly next weekend saturday." he tells me. "wow, you're so forward bowen" i say. i'm blushing like a dork. he looks at me, longingly looking for an answer. "of course, i would love that" i reply to him. "well, i guess i'll pick you up on saturday" he tells me. "yeah, i guess so". we're both smiling like crazy. who knew i would still feel this way about him. god damn.

he leans in for a hug and i pull him closer. "goodnight nini", "goodnight ricky". at that, he heads back into his dorm and i walk away. i have a good feeling about this.

ricky's pov

as soon as i close the door, ej and big red sees me. i'm still smiling from what just happened. "so, what did you guys talk about?" ej asks. "whatever, don't act like you guys weren't eavesdropping" i say with a scoff. "well, we kinda can't. the walls are too thick here" big red says to me. "meaning that you guys tried to listen?", "possibly" they respond.

"i'm taking her out to dinner on saturday" i tell them. "dude! congrats, i bet you guys are going to date in no time" ej says. "no, we're just going as friends. i swear, that's it" i tell him. "yeah, friends my ass. you guys act like a couple all the time" big red says to me. "red, shut up. you only saw us together today at the picnic. and, we weren't even acting like a couple" i tell him. "rick, don't even. i saw the way you guys would look at each other. you two were in your own little world" ej states.

"okay, but what about you and gina? i swear you guys are probably dating or something" i say, changing the subject. "okay, don't even change the subject because we're talking about you and nini" ej tells me. "okay, he's right though. you and gina talk like you've known each other all your lives" big red states. ha, he's taking my side. okay, not really but eh. "ricky and nini act like they never fought and can't even pay attention to the world around them when they're together" ej responds.

"whatever, i'm tired. goodnight you fuckers" i tell them. they both flick me off as i turn off the light. they're both wrong. nini and i are just friends. nothing more.

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