8. dammit ej

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carlos' pov

everything has been going well between the group. almost too well. i feel like something is about to happen. but i don't know what it is.

seb's pov

"sebby, don't you think everything is going good?" carlos asks me. "well, yeah. everyone's happy. why are you asking?" i say. "everything is weird. nini and ricky act like they didn't hate each other last month and gina and ej act like they're hiding something. i need to find out" he responds. "babe, i don't think we should get in their business" i tell him. "honey, you know that is exactly what i'm not going to do" he tells me. "well, just don't interrogate them" i state. "okay, fine" he replies.

kourtney's pov

as soon as i leave my psychology class, i see gina and ej. they're talking about something and then i see them hug each other. strange. they start to walk away from each other and i start walking towards gina.

"hey gi, i have a question", "oh, hey kourt. what's your question?" she asks me. "well, i kinda saw you and ej hugging and i just wanted to know what that was about. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to though" i tell her. "well, you can't tell the rest of the group. especially carlos, you know he's gonna flip out", "my lips are sealed", "okay, well, ej and i have been dating since junior year" she tells me. i stare at her in shock.

"oh my god, i did not expect that. actually, i did but i didn't think y'all were dating for that long" i say to her. "please don't tell anyone. i don't think i'm ready to tell the others. i'm scared it'll put a shift in the group" gina states. "of course, i got your back", "thanks kourt" gina says with a smile.

ej's pov

i see big red when i walk into our dorm room. "yo, why are you just sitting there?" i ask him. "i have a few questions for you, elijah" he responds. "okay, what the fuck is this about?", "where were you five minutes ago?" he asks. "well, i was leaving my lecture and then i walked over here. i don't understand why you're asking me this" i tell him. "you see elijah", "don't call me that", "i have noticed that you and gina have been hiding something" big red states. well shit.

"okay and? you can't just say that and then not explain why" i tell him. "you sound like you're not hiding something, which is exactly what a person who is hiding something does" he tells me. "red, you're making no sense right now" i state. "a few days ago, i glanced at you and noticed you were hugging someone. now, i don't know who you were hugging but, i have speculation to believe that it was gina" he states.

"okay, tell me your 'speculation'" i say, in quotes. i'm so confused right now. "well, you and gina have been acting like you're hiding something and to be honest, you're not doing a very good job at it. now, when i saw you hugging someone, i knew it wasn't ricky because he was walking right next to me and i thought 'why the hell would you hug ricky?'. next, i know you have like six other friends so, i started to do 'process of elimination'. kourtney and ashlyn were in class, nini doesn't wake up until like 2pm, carlos doesn't really hug anyone besides seb, and seb, well, you could've been hugging him but i don't think you would. anyway, that leaves gina and me. but, you weren't hugging me because i was witnessing this. so, that leaves gina. boom." he states. wow, and i thought he didn't have a clue about what was going on.

"that is a huge accusation. but, how do you even know it was me who was hugging someone? what if it was a person who looked like me?" i tell him, trying to look inconspicuous. "no, i knew it was you because i saw your face when you walked away" he replies. fuck. "here i thought you were clueless. god damn it. okay, fine, you win. yes, that was me hugging gina. but, if you tell anyone, you're dead." i tell him. he gulps. "okay".

~1 week later~

ashlyn's pov

lately, big red has been hella nervous. i want to ask him but, he seem standoff-ish. i see him coming back from his class and i catch his attention. "hey big red! can i ask you something?". he looks around and then says, "yeah, but we need to be quick". okay, that was weird. "are you okay? you seem off. like the other day, you were spaced out. like, more than usual. i'm worried about you. what's going on?" i ask him. "well, i can't really tell you", "you can trust me. i promise", "okay, well. the other day, i asked ej if him and gina had something going on and he said i was right. but, then he said if i tell anyone then i'm dead" he says.

jesus christ, god damn ej. "red, you need to relax. ej just says that so people stay quiet. trust me, he's my cousin. one time, he said that to me when we were five. i cried and then he told me he was joking. i promise you that you're fine" i tell him, trying to calm him down. "okay, you're probably right. thanks ash" he states. "of course, and if he does hurt you, tell me. i have his mom on speed dial" i say. we both smile a little.

gina's pov

ej comes up to me after his class. everything has been going pretty well. we meet up in the morning and whenever we hang out with our friends, we try to stay nonchalant. "hey babe, i have something to tell you" ej says to me. "yeah, me too. it's kinda important" i reply. "okay, you go first" he states. "so, i sorta told kourtney that we were dating. before you say anything, she saw us hugging about a week ago and then asked me about it. you know i'm not that good of a liar so, i had to tell her" i say.

he stares at me and says, "no way! big red said the exact same thing. that's what i wanted to tell you. i came back to our dorm one day and he was just sitting there. he told me this whole speculation which basically ended in him saying that he thinks you and i were hugging. i tried to tell him he was wrong but, ended up admitting to it. then, i kinda scared him off by saying 'if you tell anyone, you're dead' or something like that".

"why would you scare him?! that's why he was acting so weird last time we all hung out. dammit ej" i exclaim. "well, he looks okay now so, i think he's recovering" ej states. "it's fine, as long as nini, ricky, carlos, and seb don't find out. if ricky and nini find out, they'll probably flip out. if carlos finds out, he'll rub it in our faces. and if seb finds out, the whole group will know. i love him but he is such a bad liar" i say, seriously. "you're right. lets just pray this goes well", "yeah".


hey lol. THANK YOU FOR 700 VIEWS. i swear, i was just writing about getting 500 views. anyway, thank you for reading this. i really only expected like 2 people to read this 😭✋. anywho, stay tuned! have a good day/night!

~m :)

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