11. i like you

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nini's pov

see, i might sound crazy but, i'm in love with ricky. wow, who knew? i know, predictable. but, he's always there for me, he doesn't judge me, and he's my best friend. i just don't know if he feels the same way.

well, now are never, right?

"i-i kinda wanted to ask you something" ricky stammers. "that's weird, i wanted to do the same thing. but, you go first." i respond.

ricky's pov

i've been wanting to tell her that i like her for a long time. like a really long time. now's the best time, i think.

"well, this has been building up ever since middle school. ha, wow okay. nini, i like you. like a lot. yeah, it may seem cliché. the whole 'best friends to enemies to lovers' but, i want it. you're so amazing nini, you don't even know. i've liked you for so long and i never knew how to tell you. these past months have been great but, i cant just be your friend. nini, i want a relationship. i don't know how much longer i can go without being with you. i just know that i need you in my life and i can't live without you. i hate how much i like you. you're always in my head. that's why i space out so much. i'm usually thinking about you. i just, god i'm rambling" i suddenly get cut off.

"ricky, i feel exactly same. i regret letting you walk out of my life. i realize i was in the wrong. i was just hurt and naïve. i thought about you all the time and still do. you should ask kourtney and gina. i'm crazy about you ricky. i freak out every time you ask me to hang out, my head gets fuzzy when you talk to me, and i can be real with you. you're one of the only people in the world who understands me. i really, really like you ricky." she states.

this was unexpected.

nini's pov

"well, nini, i kinda have a question for you. will you be my girlfriend?" he asks.

i don't give him a straight answer. i place my hands on his cheeks and smash our lips together.

(rini lime coming baakjdksndjsjd)

as soon as i kiss him, he immediately kisses back. this feels long overdue. it's like all our emotions that built up throughout the years just came out through this kiss. he places his hands on my hips as i move mine to wrap around his neck.

we pull each other even closer and i straddle his lap. he removes the hair tie from my hair and runs his hands through my hair. i start to move lower, kissing his jaw and then his neck. i start to leave hickeys near the more hidden area of his neck. he sighs as i start to move upward again.

surprisingly, he starts moving down. kissing along my jaw and then my neck, just like i did. he moves my hair and starts kissing my neck. he leaves a few hickeys before moving back up to my lips. this feels like heaven and lasts for what feels like an eternity.

i break the kiss and he gives me a confused look. "i just wanted to assure you. yes, i want to be your girlfriend. also, i'm sorry if this is moving way too fast. the emotions have been building up for so long" i say, ending in a whisper. "you're good, nini. i wanted to kiss you and thank god you feel the same. i want you to be comfortable and happy" he told me.

"this is why you're amazing" i say. he smiled at me and i smile back. "well, i'm pretty sure that was all you wanted to say because you never invite me to your dorm" ricky expresses. i laugh and say "not true!", "i'm pretty sure that i've never even been here" he states. "no, you have been here. when you came to apologize", "that doesn't count because i came here uninvited", "okay you're right" i admit.

"i should go, gina will be back and we have class soon" ricky states. "okay. oh wait, should we tell the group we're together or tell them later?" i ask. "we shouldn't tell them. carlos probably made a bet on us and i don't want him to gloat about it" he replies. "you're right. okay, shoo. i'll text you later.", "bye neens". we lean in for a hug and he kisses the top of my head.

when he leaves, it feels different. the atmosphere has shifted. i'm happier. i smile to myself as i think of ricky and i.

my thoughts get interrupted by gina walking into the room.

gina's pov

i past by ricky and i realize he just came from our dorm building. "ricky? did you drop nini off? she didn't come back last night." i ask. he stops in his tracks and turns around. "yeah, sorry about that. i took her stargazing and we fell asleep." he responds. "okay, at least i know she's safe. thanks ricky", "yeah, of course" and with that, he leaves. suspicious.

i walk to my dorm and, abruptly, open the door.

"so, she finally shows up" i say. "gi, i'm so sorry i didn't text you. i should've. that was bad on my part." she exclaims. "no, it's okay. i shouldn't have been that worried. you can handle yourself." i respond.

"so, what's up with you and ricky?" i ask. "nothing, we always hang out. wait, are you jealous? we can hang out right now, if you want", "no, it's not that. it's just, you and ricky seem really close and couple-ish. i just wanted to know if you guys are going out or something" i tell her. "we aren't. i swear, we're just friends. we're just two best friends who reconnected after like 5 years" she exclaims.

"okay, nini. i believe you. no need to get defensive. did you at least have a good time last night?" i question. she smiles at the ground and says, "yeah, actually. i did. you know, i need to leave soon, for school. i should get ready" she tells me. "yeah, go do that" i answer.

ej's pov

i get back to our dorm and see big red on his phone and ask him "yo, have you seen ricky?". he replies with "yeah, he just left actually. why?". "what the hell do you mean 'why?'. he didn't come back yesterday!" i shout. "okay, chill out. we're not his parents. and, to be honest, i don't think his parents would've cared as much as you do." he says.

"dude! that is so wrong", "i'm sorry, but it's true! his mom was never around when we went to his house and his dad hasn't seen him in years" big red states. "whatever, i'm gonna text the group and tell them what happened" i say.

 "whatever, i'm gonna text the group and tell them what happened" i say

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————————————————————————AHHHHHH THATS CHAPTER 11

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AHHHHHH THATS CHAPTER 11. rini's finally here 😫🤚. but just wait because good things never last. or do they? IDK LMFAO. i hope you have a good day/night! <3
~m :)

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