9. love

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ej's pov

"you lied to me!" big red states. "what the hell are you talking about" i reply. i just got into our dorm and he's already yelling at. what did i do wrong this time? "you said if i told anyone, you would kill me. but, when i told ashlyn that, she said that you were just joking", "wait, you thought i was serious?!", "well, yeah. anyway", "wait, you told my cousin that gina and i were dating?" i ask. he looks a little nervous.

"possibly. BUT, she said she wouldn't tell anyone and i trust her" he responds. i see how scared he looks. "red, calm down. i'm not going to hurt you. i swear" i tell him. "okay, thanks bro", "yeah, yeah whatever. now one more person knows. dammit, i gotta tell gi" i say. "yeah go tell your girlfriend", "why are you saying it like we're back in middle school?", "i don't know. anyway, good luck with that" he says while going to his side of the dorm.

gina's pov

"hey gi! i need to talk to you", "hey, what is it?" i ask ej.

"so, big red 'confronted' me about how i was joking about killing or whatever. then, he told me that he told ashlyn that we're dating! can you believe him?! actually, i can. he's not good at keeping secrets" he tells me.

"wow, it's only been like a week and he couldn't keep quiet" i scoff a little. i'm not mad at red. i just knew that i couldn't trust him. atleast he didn't tell, like, ricky. that would've been worse.

"don't be mad, ever since i met him, he couldn't keep a secret" he tells me. "i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed that he told someone", "well, we don't have to worry about hiding around them! that's a plus, kind of" ej says. i laugh a little and he does the same.

"god, i love you" i say lower than a whisper. i pray he didn't hear me.

i look up at him, he's staring at me with a bit of shock. "i should head out, i don't want nini to see me in here when she gets back", "yeah, you're probably right" i tell him. i guess he doesn't feel the same way.

i walk him to the door and as i say bye to him, he says, "i love you too" and leaves.

i close the door in shock. oh my god. "AHHH!!!" i scream happily. "ohmygodohmygodohmygod, he- we- i-". kourtney then walks in a asks "girl, i heard you scream in the hallway! are you okay?!". "i'm more than okay! i'm ecstatic!" i tell her. "tell me everything."

ricky's pov

as soon as i leave my creative writing class, i get a text from nini.

as soon as i leave my creative writing class, i get a text from nini

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this is perfect. i've been wanting to take her to this spot where we can stargaze. just like we did when we were in middle school. she loved doing that when we were younger. i hope this goes better than 8th grade though.

~a few hours later~

nini's pov

ricky said to meet him around 11pm. i have no clue where we're going but, i trust him. maybe i shouldn't though. oh my god, what if this is his plot to murder me. i'm literally sending myself to my own death-

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