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Yuto's POV 

I feel like crap. Like more then usual, the lack of sleep is the biggest contribution and that's because I'm an idiot. I feel like a love sick puppy around Yuya, just a few more months and he'll be graduating so we'll be free to be together, though it's not that simple. The problem stands is I'm a monster. I raised my hands up, looking at the palms and noticing the pale skin. I'm a vampire, a longer lifespan then Yuya's, I age at a slower rate and should we be together, I will watch him grow old and wither away. 

I bit my lip, feeling the blood draw from the wound. Damnit, why did I finally have to find someone so wonderful only to feel like we're torn apart before we're even together? I feel like Yuya will listen to me and understand me. Though I am older, a lot older at that, he still tried to be sympathetic to me and make me feel better but I'm selfish. I'm nothing more then a selfish monster, wanting Yuya just to speak to me. 

I would give anything just to hear Yuya's voice. I would like to hear him cry in pleasure as he squirms beneath me as I - I slapped myself, stopping that thought in it's tracks. Damnit! Yuto, stop it, you need to hold back. I snapped out of my thoughts, a knock coming from my office door. Without my reply, the door opened, Lulu waling in with a sad smile. She closed the door behind her before taking a seat opposite me. "You've seemed a bit out of it earlier," She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "I've been awfully worried about you. Especially as it happened at the same time Yuya's mood seems to have sky rocketed." 

I gave a small laugh, yeah sounds like Yuya. My fault, I said I would take him on a date once he graduated, so he's probably eagerly awaiting for that day. "It's just, i keep thinking how I'm giving Yuya false hopes we can end up together," I finally admitted. Guilt washing over me. "Lets face it, we're very different people. In fact, I'm far from a person." 

Lulu just looked at me, trying to be sympathetic but even she couldn't really understand what i was going through. "You-you haven't bit him have you?" I shuck my head, feeling my cheeks fluster. As much as I have wanted to, as well as the one incident where I came close, I haven't done that. "Well, that does make me relieved but you know, you have to tell Yuya the truth don't you? A relationship is built on trust and that boy has been through enough." 

I sighed, I certainly am an idiot. Telling Yuya the truth is the only think I can do but I cant bring myself to do so. I leant back and in the corner of my eyes, i noticed a shadow by the door,. I jumped up, noticing Yuya peaking through a crack in the door. Oh no. My eyes widened as Yuya looked heart broken and started to run. I heard his foot steps against the school tile floor and I got up quickly leaving Lulu behind me as she screamed for me. My breath became heavy as I ran continue to run, trying to work out where Yuya could have gone. How much did he hear? What did he hear? 

Is it too late to make this right? 

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