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Yuto’s POV

That little brat! It almost seems like Yugo is trying to get in my way on purpose. Every time I've been at the coffee shop to help Yuya with his school work, he’s been there, saying “Oh don’t worry, we’ve already finished it.” Cocky little bastard!

I shoved my hands in my pockets as Lulu and I continued to walk down the street. She’s been trying to convince me that Yuya having a friend his own age is good for him so he will learn to not be as dependant on adults. Though I'll admit, having Yuya depend on me is flattering. I can tell form his posture he wants me to join him in the evenings but with Yugo there, I just can’t. I’d rather be alone with Yuya. “Stop being a grump,” Lulu laughed. “It’s not like you’ve been dumped. You know you and Yuya can’t even date anyway.”

I pouted. Of course, I know that much but Yuya’s infectious and spending time with him makes me feel happy. We made it to the café and to my surprise, there’s no Yuya about. It’s a Friday night so usually we’ll spend time playing some games on his laptop but where is he? There’s no sign of his stuff. “Hiya Lulu, Yuto,” Emi greeted us from the counter.  “Want the usual's?”

“Can we have them to go?” Lulu asked with a laugh as we made it to the counter.

“Oh, big plans tonight?” Emi teased.

“Where’s Yuya?” I asked ignoring the questions.

Emi sighed as she started to prepare the to go cups. “He’s having a sleepover tonight with Yugo and Gong,” She said with content. A sleepover? With that Yugo kid of all people? Just hearing that kid’s name is making my blood boil! “Ally over here is insistent that she hooks me up so we’re going from a few drinks after work tonight.”

Lulu laughed as I let the news sink in of Yuya being left alone with Yugo again for a night. “Now that you mention it, I don’t think you’ve ever spoken about a love life,” Lulu commented. “Ally, you better be choosing a good one.”

Emi laughed leaning over the counter to whisper to the two of us. “After two drinks I'll be leaving,” She told us. “I’d rather not have someone play match maker for me.”

Lulu winked, getting the message. It means that Emi will text her and ask for a phone call and give her a reason to leave. Pretty normal system set up between them if the other is going out. “I promise the guy you’re going to meet today is just dying to meet you,” Ally, the busty blonde piped up out of nowhere. “He’ll knock you out for sure.”

Emi gulped handing us our drinks, whispering a ‘help me’ before we said out goodbyes. “Maybe you should try dating Yuto?” Lulu commented. I want to date but I'm not allowed to date the person I actually want. I puffed out my cheeks, annoyed at the comments. Lulu scoffed and punched the arm that did not have a drink. “Honestly Yuto, put on a happy face. This committee meeting today is meant for us to bring the positive aspects to light you know?”

“Yeah, I know,” I sighed. Tonight, we’ll be meeting with others like us. Those born from shadows who want to blend into society. That’s why the café is so vital to us all. It’s a place we get to be ourselves and not worry about it until the time humans can accept us for who we are. “I’ll put on a smile don’t worry.”

“Good,” Lulu cheered.

Once we made it to the centre it was already filled. My mother was helping out some of the elders while younger children played in the corner. Approximately we have up one third of this town and to think most of us gather here on this night, makes me smile. Some of us truly want to move forward with the times though others will still want to be dominate over humans. “Hey Lulu, Yuto” We looked up to see our favourite orange hair member with a large grin.

“Hey Crow,” I greeted. “Haven’t seen you around for a while. How’s it going?”

“Same old same old,” He shrugged. I watched as his nose twitched at the smell of our drinks.  “Cut down the sugar man. You’ll live longer.” I laughed; this man has a good nose. “She made it didn’t she?” Unbelievably good.

“You know she’s on a blind date tonight,” I teased with a smirk. I don’t who I want, why should anyone else be allowed? I watched Crow’s face grow angry. “I mean it would be you if you just had the courage to talk to her.”

I watched his mouth, snap into a devilish smirk. “At least I don’t pray on my students,” He laughed.  We both stared at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. We are a sad pair indeed.

The meeting finally came to a close after couple of hours. I sighed looking at my phone and my eyes widen widened. A couple of texts of Yuya. I felt my heart melt, even though he’s with that brat, he still thought of me? The texts we’re simple ‘sorry I didn’t see you’ and a ‘next time it’ll be just you and me at the café. I still need a rematch’ and those texts have made my evening.

“You know,” Lulu said looking at her watch. “The café is still open for another hour, why don’t we take the love sick puppy over there to get a drink.”

I looked over to Crow who was currently talking to a couple of the elders, “Not a bad idea. Hey Crow, come with us.”

As we walked back to the café, it was funny watching Crow mumble to himself. The only interaction he had with Emi was his drinks purchase. When she tried to make conversation, he tenses up. It’s funny to watch. Though when we we’re only around the corner Crow stopped in his tracks. His nose started twitching in the way his noticed something wrong. “Crow?” I asked and he let out a growl. He looked me dead in the eyes, as if I was meant to get it and then the smell it me. I know that smell, it smells sweet and tantalising. “Blood?” A little of blood we can’t usually pick up but let’s say an open wound, I felt Goosebumps appear along my spine. Oh no! “Yuya!” My legs started to carry me as quick as possible to the café, he lives opposite, if they’ve been attacked then he’s in danger.

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