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Yuto’s POV

Today we’ve moved into our new apartment. We are literally across the hall from Yuya and I’m worried I can’t control myself. Right now, we’re celebrating the move in the newly refurbished café. Yuri doesn’t mess around when it comes to getting things done. Great! I looked over to Yuya who was sat in our normal spot, happily engaging with his friends. His smile is truly bright how can I not fall for that wonderful smile. “Dude,” Crow called out waving a hand in front of my face. “You’re staring.”

Whoops. “Sorry man,” I laughed.

“Someone will catch on if you keep staring,” Crow sighed jabbing his elbow into my side. “And what’s creeper you get to live next to him now.”

“What’s creepy about it?” I gave him a scowl. 

“A teacher with feelings for his student living right needs to him,” Crow said bluntly. “Dude, if Yuri isn’t going to kill you, the school will.”

“If you keep your mouth shut then I won’t,” I snapped blushing deeply.

“You seem lively,” Emi walked over laughing, carrying some more drinks. Trying to hide my face, I took the coffee and Crow took the other. “Strange how you’ve ended up in our apartment building all of a sudden?”

“Yeah well it’s a better price for my mom and I,” I lied. I can’t really say, ‘It’s because you’re in danger of being attacked.’ Quick change subject brain! “How has it been being back at work?”

Emi took a deep breath. “Honestly, I'm glad to be back,” She smiled. “I was getting bored sitting at home. It’s nice to be back to some normality.” I smiled, it’s nice that she has a peace of mind now. Seems like she feels safe again.

I was so distracted I didn’t even hear Crow speak and tell his joke as Emi started to laugh at his stupidest. I looked at her open mouth, not sure why but I noticed something. She has a couple of sharp teeth near the front.  “I never notcied your teeth before,” I mused. Emi stopped laughing covering her mouth. “Ah, I'm sorry if I offended you!”

“No, it’s fine,” Emi blushed looking away. She gave a small laugh. “You know people used to call me ‘vampire’ at school and run away from me.” My eyes widened. What the hell? What kind of joke is that to say to a kid? “Say Yuto,” I looked at her as I took a drink. “Could you speak to me in private later?” I chocked on my coffee; shit she knows! I nodded and she left to continue seeing to everyone.

I jumped at the feeling of Crow’s eyes on my back. And there’s another person about to kill me. Why can’t I catch a break?


Come the end of the party, mom took Yuya back to our apartment building so Emi and I could have that chat. Ray had gone into the back to sort out some paperwork leaving us alone. No, please she might kill me! I crying mentally trying to keep a straight face. We sat in our usual booth; Emi’s face had saddened from earlier. What’s this about? She was looking in her cup, playing with it. “I’m sorry to have to ask this of you,” She gripped the cup tighter. “But I need to ask this, are you-”

I leant over grabbing her arm, trying to assure her. “Emi, you can ask me anything,” I told her.

“Are you,” She took a long pause. “A vampire?”

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