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Yuya’s POV

I can’t believe I feel asleep on Friday with Yuto right there! Arg, I’m such an idiot! I continued walking to class with my head hung low. I’m so embarrassed to see him. “Morning Yuya,” I looked yup, not realising I made it to class, seeing Zuzu with her bright smile. I gave a small wave and we walked to our desks. Phew, no Yuto yet. “Did you hear?” I shook my head. “There’s another new student joining us today. You won’t be the new kid anymore.”

I blinked, another transfer? Interesting. We sat down, getting our text books ready. I wonder what the new student will be like. Boy or girl? Cute maybe? Not as cute as Yuto though. I was brought out my thoughts as I noticed Yuto walk in, looking calm as ever. I smiled as he took his regular seat next to me. “Morning,” He greeted. “Have a good weekend?”

I nodded. Nothing scary has happened since that night Yuto was attacked. It’s like nothing actually happened, it’s great! I guess it was a one-off thing. The rest of the class settled down as the teacher walked in, followed by, who I can guess, is the new student. Relatively tall, blue hair and blonde bangs, he seems the excitable type by the large smile on his face. I saw as he looked my way with a cheeky smile. I blushed, looking at Yuto who had an almost angry look at the new student. “Everyone, I know this is a bit different,” The teacher laughed. “We don’t usually get two transfers in a year however this is Yugo. His family moved her due to his father’s work and will be with us for the remainder of the year.”

Yugo bowed to us, “I like sports and watching movies. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

“Welcome,” The class chanted and Yugo took the empty seat next to the window. Yuto’s eyes watched him and it was almost like Yugo had a challenging look on his face. I wonder if they know each other?

Break soon came and I followed Zuzu and Gong outside to get some fresh air. Yuto had gone off to make a phone call in the meantime. “Hiya,” Yugo came over to us with what I’ll call his signature smile. He never seems to do anything else. “I don’t know anyone and was wondering if I could hang around you guys?”

“Don’t see why not,” Gong said inviting Yugo to sit with us.

I listened closely as he talked about how he played soccer for his old school team and his dad was an investigator, or something like that, and his mom was a nurse.  He sounds pretty amazing. Turns out his dad got placed into a new investigation unit in Heartland so he was made to move suddenly. “What do you like doing Yuya?” He asked turning to me. Now that I think about it. Other than school and home I don’t do many other things. Sure, there’s the arcade but I haven’t been a part of any clubs for a long time. “What the matter? Cat got your tongue?”

He laughed and I hid into my jacket. “Um Yugo, Yuya’s mute,” Zuzu said sheepishly. “Which means he doesn’t speak.”

Yugo’s laughter died down as he realised what he had said. He knelt down in front of me in an apologetic pose. “I’m so sorry!”

I was taken back a bit. What can I do to make him stop? Gong let out a laugh bringing Yugo back to his feet. “Yuya knows you mean now harm,” He advised and I nodded to agree.

“I’m still sorry,” Yugo sighed. “Think we could be friends still?”

I held out my hand and gave him a smile. His smile came back and he shook my hand vigorously. One more friend to add into the mix. Should be fun.


After school I sat in my usual boot looking on my laptop for activities I could take part in. There has to be something right? I did used to enjoy being part of a club before the incident and it would help me make more friends. “What you looking at?” I jumped inside seeing Yuto sitting beside me. “Club activities huh?”

I nodded and type on the notepad screen I had open. ‘I want to join a club and try something new again.’

“There’s an open day at the community centre this Sunday,” Yuto told me. “My mother actually runs the acting club there. The open day is a chance to try out little sessions of things you’re interested in.”

I didn’t realise the community centre offered an acting club. I don’t speak but that doesn't mean I can’t help out with the scripts or even the props. ‘Think I would be able to join?’ I typed.

“I’ll speak to my mother and ask about what she can get you to do,” Yuto advised. “But I'm sure there won’t be a problem.”

I smiled widely. Wow an acting class! I can't wait.

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