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Yuya’s POV

I jumped, hearing another crash from outside. It’s been an hour since we first heard it and I’m worried. When we first heard it, Yugo disappeared into the bathroom while Gong had to hold me back from running over the street. I know that noise is from the café. Sis? Are you okay? Currently, we’re sat on the sofa, waiting for Yugo to return and waiting for the crashing to stop. I picked up my phone, sending Yuto a text. I told him that I’m scared. Sis hasn’t messaged me for a while and about the noises from the café.

I jumped, hearing a sudden gunshot. I ran over to the window, looking outside, it all seems normal and there’s no one about. With the canoe above the shop, I can’t see into it to know what’s happening. Yuto, please hurry. I begged holding my chest.

“There we go,” Yugo chimed walking out the bathroom a smile on his face. “Everything will be alright now Yuya.” he walked over to me, embracing me into a hug. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine as long as I'm here.”

He pulled me back to the sofa sitting me down and Gong handed me a drink. “Gong knows your worried,” Gong spoke. “But Yugo’s right, everything will be fine.” I nodded taking a sip, my hands visibly shaking. Gong and Yugo tried their best to distract me for another half an hour before there was a knock at the door. “Gong will get that.”

I leant over the sofa, looking into the entrance. I gasped, seeing Yuto carrying Emi on his back. Panic settled in and I ran to them. Gong held me back, allowing Yuto to walk in, followed by an orange haired man and Yuri? Why is it whenever something happens Yuri is involved?

Emi looked pale, what happened to them? The orange haired man looked at me. “You’re Yuya right?” I nodded. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Mind if we talk for a moment?” My eyes widened. Oh no! What happened. He clearly saw me panicking and his face changed to a soft smile. “No, sorry don’t worry. Your sister is okay.” I sighed in relief. “She’s just a bit beaten at the moment. You see, some angry customer came in but she defended herself well. She’ll need a couple days rest and avoid heavy lifting for a while.”

I could cry with happiness. If that’s all that’s wrong then I’m glad. “Gong wants to ask,” Gone spoke up. “Who are you?”

“Whoops,” The man laughed nervously. “That's right, I must remember my introductions. I’m Crow, a friend of Yuto’s.”

I bowed, hoping he just knew of my condition. “Gong and Yuya, are grateful you helped out Miss Emi,” Gong spoke for both of us. I nodded in agreement. “Would you like a drink or some pizza, we over ordered on it?”

“I’m good thanks,” He declined, going to meet up with Yuto.

Gong lead me back to the living area where it was a really weird sight. Yuri was practically hanging off Yugo as he hugged his neck.  I felt my mouth twitch. What in the world? Yuri has his arms around Yugo and an almost flirty smile on his face. “You did well tonight,” He complimented. “Make sure you continue watching them okay?”

Yugo’s face was bright red as he fought to get Yuri off him. “I will, now get off,” He barked and Yuri gave in with a playful pout.  It was then Yugo looked and saw me. “Ah Yuya, Yuri was just leaving, weren't you Yuri?”

Yuri huffed loudly. “Yes, I was,” He let out a ‘hmph’ before walking over to me. “Yugo said he was staying the night so if anything happens, he’ll call me. Goodnight Yuya, I shall let myself out.”

With that, Yuri left. I wonder why he was so handsy with Yugo? I paid no attention as Yuto and Crow came out from Emi’s room. “She’s had a big dose of pain killers,” Yuto told me. “So, she’ll be out most likely until morning.” He explained.

I nodded. “If you guys need anything, I’m free during most days,” Crow offered holding out a number so I took it. If he’s a friend of Yuto’s he’s got to be a good guy, right? “Look I’ve got to head off, you guys stay safe okay?”

With that Crow left and Yugo and Gong went back to the living area while I saw Yuto out. I looked up at him, strange things keep happening since I’ve met him. Is it because of his family? Maybe we should stay away from him? But can’t bring myself to. I gasped as I felt Yuto wrap his arms around me. “I was so worried about you,” He whispered, most likely not trying to get Yugo and Gong’s attention. “I’m glad you were safe.”

I nodded holding onto his chest. I don’t want to let go of him. I don’t care he’s my teacher, I love him. I turned my head, planting a kiss on his cheek. I’m an idiot I know but I want him to hopefully understand how I feel.

He pulled away from me in shock. “Oh Yuya,” He said barely above a whisper. Have a I made him mad? My heart started to race as his hands cupped my face. “Please don’t provoke me.”

With that he left. Provoke him? Does that mean he likes me back?

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