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Emi's POV

I held the phone close to my ear, Yugo sounding annoyed at the rant he was running through. "I really don't think if Yuto is here," He started to say. "That Yuya should be allowed here." 

I sighed, "Yugo," I growled. "Please let Yuya explore the school as he planned."


"No no," I interrupted before Yugo could continue to moan. Yuya is making leaps and bounds in recovering, despite Yuto having left his life. "Yuto is not his focus this weekend, if you want to help make sure he focuses on the school visit and if he decides to, let him see Yuto." He was quiet so I need to use bribery. "I'll let you have a deluxe hot chocolate and a piece of cheesecake when you come back." 

"Hmm," Yugo thought for a moment. "Make it two." 

"Deal," I agreed hanging up the phone. 


I held my bag tightly as I walked through the streets. It's still pretty dark for an early morning, with winter on its way, I shouldn't be surprised. But I can't help but feel scared. Everything that's happened to us and now with Yuya moving away. "I'm going to be alone," I said out loud stopping my walk. I felt the light water drops start to fall down and I looked up, seeing the dark clouds and the rain start to become heavier.

I couldn't bring myself to move, the wash of sadness feeling so heavy, I can't even move my feet. I looked down, seeing the water start to puddle beneath me. Maybe being washed away isn't a bad idea. I gasped seeing the edges of what I thought was a coat covering me. I tried to ask what was going on but I as dragged away, I assume to find shelter. I tried to look up at who was dragging me but the heavy rain made it hard to see. We stopped under a bus shelter, the coat being taken off me and I notice Crow shaking his head vigorously, muttering to himself. It's like watching a dog, I laughed to myself. Well, he is a wolf. "Do you not read the weather forecast?" Crow asked sounding a bit annoyed. "You should always carry an umbrella around."

"So, where's yours?" I shot back and Crow just laughed.

"You got me there," He winked and I felt my face heat up. This is the longest the two of us have been alone and I don't think I've ever noticed, he's kind of cute. I saw as he sniffed, leaning into me. "You smell sad."

"Smell sad?" I repeated, a bit confused and flustered as his face was against mine.

"Sorry," Crow, jumped back realising what he had said. "My nose gets away with me and I just blurt things out."

"I-it's okay," I stammered. "I was feeling a bit down, realising that I'll be a bit lonely with Yuya moving away."

Crow took a seat on the bench; the only sound was the water hitting the glass top above us. "IIf he's ready to move," He started to say, looking up at me with a big smile. "Then you've done a great job raising him."

I grasped at my top, feeling my chest tighten. "You think so?" I asked, sitting beside him. "He still doesn't speak much, he murmurs a bit more I've noticed though, I don't think he's realised he does it."

"Being on your own can be hard at first," Crow stated, with a nostalgic smile on his face. "But you learn to make new friends. I mean you have Ray and I'd like to think you can come talk to me too."

"I'm so used to just giving you your usual coffee order," I laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Then what if we get dinner," Crow proclaimed. "My treat." I nodded, not even trying to think of a reason not to do it. "Tonight, say 18:30 I'll get you from the café."

"Sure," I agreed, looking up to see the rain had started to let up. "I'm going to finish my groceries so Yuya can eat when he comes home tomorrow."

"See you later," Crow said as I waved walking off. Guess I might not be so lonely.  

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