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Yuto’s POV
I admitted it to him. God, I’m an idiot! If Emi finds out, she’ll murder me. If Lulu finds out, she’ll kill me. I am dead no matter who finds out. Why did I do that? I should have waited. I know I needed to wait for him to graduate! He’s literally a few months away, why am I screwing this up? “Yuto,” I jumped from the sofa, looking up to my mother. “We have to go to the meeting sweetheart.”

“Oh right,” I sighed grabbing my keys. “I’m sorry I was so spaced out.”

“You’ve been doing that a lot recently,” Mother commented as we got into the car. “Is there something you want to talk about?”

I blushed. My mother doesn’t know about my infatuation with Yuya. I'm sure she wouldn’t be upset but I feel like this is something I have to work out on my own. “Don’t worry, “I assured her. “I will tell you once the time is right.”

She smiled at me, grabbing my hand. I know if I need anything, she will be there for me.


It only took a about twenty minutes before we made it to the meeting place. As we walked into the reception, we saw him. Yuri. Yuri, the child of the head vampire in the next town over, and the one who will become head of this town now he’s nearly of age.

His smile is welcoming yet sadistic. “Welcome both,” He smiled gesturing for us to follow him.

I gulped and we followed him. We have this meeting once a month, ever since we came through this town. My mother and I, we ran. We ran far away from our previous town and our home clan. We didn’t agree with the way they operated. In fact, I hated it. Vampires are already proving we can coincide with humans and don’t have to kill and drink their blood dry to satisfy ourselves and survive. In fact, some vampires and humans have started to marry over the past century and our clan doesn’t approve of that. The strongly deny a relationship between human and vampires because the vampire gene wears down with every generation and is weaker when human genes are introduced.

How did we learn all this? My father was human. Mother kept this from me but it explained why I could bare being in the sun and why I was not as pale as others. Out of anger the leader attacked my mother; Claiming it was ‘punishment.’ That night, we ran. I got my mother away and we ran as fast as we could. On the verge of starvation, we were ready to give up on life but we’re found my Yuri’s family. They offered us a home and I was able to become a teaching aide and eventually met Lulu. We’ve been given a second chance at a happy life but....

“Shay is causing much trouble for us,” Yuri said, slamming the door behind him. “And after the fight I witnessed the other day, I am not pleased with how you represented our clan Yuto.”

I gritted my teeth. “But I-”

“Had to defend them?” I nodded. Yuri gave a series of tuts standing in front of me and pulled me close by the tie. “If it was not for a human you did that, I would have surely needed to punish you. But those humans are important to us.”

My eyes widened. Does he mean Yuya and Emi? “Yuri, please forgive him!” My mother cried trying to get Yuri off me. “Please, I’ll take any punishment.”

Yuri laughed, letting go of me. He pulled out a chair, taking a seat. “I won’t punish either of you,i already said,” He advising knitting his hands together. “In fact, I’m giving you a new apartment.”

“A new place?” I asked raising a brow.

“We have a vacancy next to our precious Yuya,” He smirked. “Clearly he’s at risk of being targeted and you know Shay and Kite better than anyone. Yuto, you will be living there from now on.”

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