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Yuyu's POV 

Fear pushed the adrenaline through me, my legs continuing to push me forward. Where do I go? I need to get help but who? I suddenly found myself tripping over my own feet, landing face first into the gravel. My face stinging as the gravel scrapped my face. I pushed myself up, the tears i tried so desperately to hold back left me all at once. I started to hiccup as the tears flowed heavier. I'm alone. I pulled my knees up to my chest and continued to cry.

I covered my ears, drowning out the noise of the late night traffic. I started to to shake my head violently. No, I didn't want this. I don't want to lose the people who mean so much to me again. I felt my whole body begin to tremble as I continued to stay in one place. I want to go back but I want to listen to my sister and continue to run. What am I to do? 

My breathes became erratic and I began to hiccup. I bit my lip, feeling my body being shaken. I could feel strong hands on either arm. They gripped me tightly as I continued to try and ignore them. After a sharp shake I opened my eyes, seeing Crow and Ray in front of me. My hands feel to my sides, feeling as I was ready to give up. "Yuya, what's going on?" Crow asked panicked. "Emi, Yuto, where are they?" 

"Yu- Yuto. Yuto's fi-fighting." 

I heard audible gasps from Ray and that's when i realised. I said that. I brought a mouth to my hand, as if to keep myself quiet. Ray knelt down to look me in the eyes a soft smile on her face as she cupped my cheek. "Where are they?" She asked and I shuck my head, I can't speak again. They might find me. "I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me. Are they back home?" I pulled the hand from my mouth nodding. "Crow, I am sorry to ask this of you but..."

Ray went silent, Crow sighing, clearly realising the request. "It's been a while so my body should be able to take the change tonight," I blinked confused as Crow stood back and then it started.

Ray held onto by wrapping an arm around my shoulder as Crow transformed into a wolf in front of our eyes. Vampires, werewolves? I looked up at Ray in horror. No way, is she a vampire too? "Yuya," I looked up to Ray. "As much as I don't want you in danger, I need you to come with us to identify the people attacking Yuto." I watched carefully as she grabbing into her breast pocket and handing me a whistle. "If we get separated, you blow on this got it."

I looked at the whistle in my hand, holding it tightly. I nodded, Ray pulling me up and getting me placing me on Crow's back. I held onto Crow's neck tightly as she started to run, Ray keeping at speed as we made our way back to the apartment complex. This is strange, he has fur yet this is still Crow. I hummed to myself, that means, if Yuto is vampire, he's still Yuto right? He's just a bit different. He's not like the people who attacked us all those years ago. Not like Kite who attacked us tonight. This thought, some how calmed me. That means if Emi and I are part vampire, we're also still ourselves? Everything makes a bit more sense somehow but I'll still need more answers. 

Crow and Ray are incredible fast, maybe it's because of what they are? But once we came to a halt looked up and my heart could have stopped. I hopped off Crow's back, taking small steps to the scene in front of me. "Yuya," Ray called out to me, as if to get me to stop. To my left, my sister sat with Miss Heba's head in her lap, Kite's body embedded into the ground to my right and in front of me, a man holding Yuto closely as Yugo stood beside him. Is that my dad? 

"Seems we arrived a bit late to the party," Ray sighed. "Guess there's no going back from this now." 

Yugo walked up to me, holding his arms out as I felt myself fall forward. The shock of the sight making me feel faint. Yugo had this soft look of him as he patted my head. "It's okay, sleep for now," As he spoke those words I could feel myself getting sleepier. "We'll explain it all when you wake up." 

With that my eyes closed and everything fell to black. 

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