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Chapter 3

I gulped as we continued up the pathway to the entrance of my new school. I wonder what people are going to think of me? Maybe they’ll think I’m a freak. What if I get bullied? What if no one likes me? All these thoughts raced through my head and caused my head to hurt. I’m over thinking things surely.

We made it to the headmaster’s office and told to sit on the bench just outside their door. “Everything will be okay,” Emi assured me. “I’m sure you’ll make new friends in no time.”

I hope she’s right I sighed. After a little while longer, we were called into the office. It wasn’t anything special, a few awards and certifications on the wall but nothing too impressive. We took a seat opposite the headmaster, who looks incredibly goofy and a woman standing beside him. “I’m Skip, nice to meet you both,” He began. “Firstly Yuya, welcome to Heartland high school. I’m sure you’ll fit in with your class. It is a lovely class you have. My daughter is the class rep actually and I've asked she help you during lunch and break periods.”

“Good to know you’ll have a friendly face in the class, huh?” Emi tried to assure again.

I simply nodded. “Secondly,” Skip started and gestured to the woman. She's pretty, black hair with light pink/purple streaks. “Lulu here is your health care worker, she’s allocated to this school and has been here a number of years working with all types of children. You’ll meet with her in your free periods twice a week.” Again, I nodded.

Lulu gave a bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” She stated. “Miss Sakaki, while you sort the paperwork out with Skip, would you be happy if I took Yuya to his homeroom?”

Emi looked at me concerned. I’m not as open as I used to be and new people can make me nervous but looking up at the friendly smile Lulu gave, I nodded to show I would be okay. “If you could, thank you Lulu,” My sister agreed.

I grabbed my bag as Lulu escorted my out the room. I stayed close by her as we walked through the calmed hallway, most students now being in their classrooms. This school sure is bigger on the inside and I don’t think I've seen an empty class. We came to a stop at class 2-B and I took a quick peek inside. I took a sharp breath, noticing the man from the café. Why does he seem to be everywhere I go? “Don’t worry Yuya,” Lulu tried to calm me as she knocked the door. “This class is very well behaved and the aide will help you as much as possible.”

We were told to come in by the teacher. We walked in and I could feel the eyes on me. I gripped my bag tightly and shut my eyes, wanting to just disappear. I could hear slight whispered before I felt a hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay Yuya,” Lulu said. “Let’s introduce you to the class.” I nodded nervously, not really wanted to look at the class but I have no choice. This is my first impression so I have to ensure I make a good one. Even without talking. “Class, this is Yuya Sakaki. I would like to make you aware Yuya is mute, which means he doesn’t speak so communicating may be a bit difficult. I’m sure you’ll all make him feel welcome.”

I gave a bow and the rest of the class chanted a ‘welcome.’  Lulu gave me an assuring smile and lead me to the empty chair next to a pink haired girl, who had a welcoming smile. I placed my bag underneath the desk and took my seat. “I’m Zuzu,” The girl introduced. “The class rep for 2-B and I’ll be helping you in between periods. It’s nice to meet you Yuya.”

She seems nice. I gave a small smile and a wave. It was then someone took the other empty seat to my right. I looked over and its him. “Yuya, this is Yuto,” Lulu introduced. “He’s the aide who will be in your classes. Don’t worry he looks scary but he’s a sweet guy.”

“Nice to meet you Yuya,” Yuto spoke up. I never really got a good look at him before but he really is good looking. His deep grey eyes compliment his black and purple spiked hair. “I look forward to working with you this year.”

So do I.

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